10 Ways To Build And Keep Repeat Customers In Your Car Wash Business

Guest post by I.A. Bello.

May you be in a state of tranquility and good health as you read through these lines. I once promised to write an article related to the car-wash industry. With respect to that promise, I present to you the following write-up. If you are reading about car-wash business  for the first time, I advise you read the article by the distinguished business mentor, Mr. D. Omeh, titled "How to Start Small Scale Car wash in Nigeria" alongside the comments that follows it. 

Having situated your Car-Wash Centre (CWC) in a good location, you need the following tips to build and keep your customers:



The appearance of your CWC should always be neat and good looking. Many customers will not come back to your workshop if it looks dirty when they came in even for the first time. This will be so especially if your competitors car wash centers are always neat and good looking.

Make sure all dirts in and around the workshop is removed at all times. You and your staff should always look neat too. You are cleaners and not mechanics. Ensure that the cloths you put on are always presentable. If possible, get branded shirts that carries the name of your company alongside the name of the staff that wears it. 

This will tell your customers that you are professionals. Lead by example, and give weekly or monthly gifts to the cleanest staff. Also plant beautiful flowers around your car wash center, this will be a plus to the appearance of your working place.


The customer rest area should be shielded from sun and rain. Provide enough chairs in it, and also provide interesting magazines and books. This will make your customers less bored. Also provide services like selling of beverages, snacks and recharge cards. The nice thing about this is that as it keeps your customers satisfied, it also adds to the revenue generated at the CWC (Hitting two birds with one stone).



 Advertisement is a must in all businesses. Erect a sign-board that displays the description of the services you offer at your car wash center. Paste posters at strategic areas, and distribute fliers/leaflets. Also tell friends, relations and neighbors who own cars about your car wash business and the good services you offer. Also ask them to help you advertise by telling and inviting their own friends. If you can afford it, advertise on TV, radio and newspapers. That will be a plus.


Welcome all customers warmly with a smile on your face (your staff should always do same too). As the Chinese proverb goes, "if you can't smile, don't open a shop". Make them feel they are respected individuals, and you value their presence. They should feel it in them they are the reason behind your smile and you are happy they came. 

Make them feel they are valued friends of your business, and that you and your staff care about the care and upkeep of every vehicle. Direct them to the customer rest area and let them know that the magazines and books are for their reading pleasure.


Many of your customers will have other engagements elsewhere, so they will want their cars to be washed as quick as possible. Work hard on meeting to this demand without compromising quality of service. Two to three staff should wash a car at the same time, i.e two handling the exterior, and one handles the interior. Depending on how dirty the car is, the job can be done in 10-15 minutes. I will repeat, NEVER COMPROMISE QUALITY OF


Most car owners are aware of the fact that original car-wash detergents have positive impacts on the paint of their cars, and the reverse is the case for detergents that are not original, or are not meant for washing cars. Never use laundry detergents.


Try as much as possible to give every car the best of wash. Look for hidden places around the car and deal with them. Use tools that are designed specifically for washing cars. Make sure you and your staff receive training at other experienced car wash centers.


Add free services such as spraying perfume/air freshener in the interior of the car, and polishing the shoes of your customers. Do these, while charging your customers the same amount other car wash centers charge. If your competitors do not offer free services like these, you don't need to go to a business school to know the reaction of your customers.


In order to maintain impeccable customer service, work very hard in keeping your employees satisfied even if it means a cut down on what goes into your pocket. Introduce initiatives like special gifts for the best employee of the month, cleanest employee, e.t.c. Ensure that your employees are well taken care of, so that they in turn take care of your customers. 


Study shows that a happy employee is more likely to provide the highest level of customer service compared to an employee who is not happy and feels he is being exploited and taken advantage of.


Never relent in praying to the Lord of the world. Always pray to Him in humility, put all your affairs in His Hands, and always remember that without Him, you are nothing. Always thank Him for every customer He sends to you, and I assure you, He will send more to you. Dedicate a part of your profit no matter how small to charity especially to orphans in need, and I assure you, the sky is your limit.

As I pray for blessings and guidance for you, I also pray for blessings and continuous development in all your businesses and endeavors. Thanks.

I.A. Bello.
CEO: AgonBello Global Services Limited.
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  1. Very simple and useful right up. To be sincere, and really glad I stumbled on this blog.

  2. Nice piece there bro. Thanks.
    Like how much do u think can start up this business?

  3. Nice write up. Thanks for the info.
    Will like to know how can get this business start n running?


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