8 Practical Ways To Stay Ahead In Your Restaurant Business

One of the most viable businesses that I know on this planet is restaurant business. Restaurant businesses thrive everywhere because people must eat. Economic meltdown or not, the stomach must ask for food and you must obey it. 

In fact, when you try to find out how much of your income goes to feeding, you will understand what I mean. A good reason why restaurant businesses continue to be viable is because the world has become so fast and busy that people are no longer patient enough to sit down and cook their own food. 


We are all busy trying to make money and very often have no time to spare, preparing our own food. Those who know these are exploiting this gold mine called Restaurant Business. 

Unfortunately as I go around, I see just copy cards in this business. In the area where I live, no one is making any difference. Everyone is just doing the same thing. And so often, I have no reason to eat in a particular place each time I feel like eating away from home. I am sure your story is similar or maybe the same.

Restaurant business is a sensitive business because it deals with what gets into people’s bodies (food and water) and no right-thinking person jokes with what enters his/her stomach. It’s a fact that no matter what people cook and how they serve it, there will always be people to consume it. However, people may patronize what you do because they have no choice, but the moment they see something better, they leave. I am sure no serious business man will want to lose customers. 

Restaurant business being one of the businesses I am keen on, have caught my interest so much and as I recommend it to all those looking for the best businesses to go into, I share with them the following practical ways of making a difference in theirs, thus putting themselves ahead.

1.    Have A Unique Way To Say Welcome

Have you ever heard the saying that, “A hungry man is an angry man”? This is a very true saying and that is why one thing that you will see even responsible people dressed in suits, fight over, is over what enters the stomach-food. Angry people are not friendly people. I have never seen an angry man smiling and jesting. 

People come to your restaurant because they are hungry and want to eat. Never forget this. When you understand this very well, the way you will treat someone entering your restaurant will be the same way you will treat an angry man. 

So: Understand that anyone who steps into your restaurant is hungry and so, is angry. Welcome them with a smile and offer them a seat where it is very comfortable. Let them be served with a “free” glass of fresh juice and then while they are still sipping, bring the menu to know what they want to eat. 

I know you will be wondering who pays for the free glass of fresh juice. Present it as free but factor it in the price of your food. This could go a long way to paint a wonderful image about your restaurant in the eyes of your customers, making them always want to come back.

2.    Make Sure Your Food Is Always Tasty and Presentable

The taste and look of food is not a negotiable thing for anyone who is serious about being in restaurant business. In fact, before you think of going into restaurant business, you must surely have guaranteed that you have a good cook and every other thing that will make you serve good food to your customers. I will not dwell much on this point because I know you already know how important it is, and what to do.

3.    Make Sure Your Food Is Always Hot

People don’t love cold food. I am yet to see a person who goes to a restaurant and orders for cold food. People always want something warm or hot as the case may be. Don’t wait for customers before you make your food warm. Heat the food at intervals during the day to keep it hot always. I personally hate cold food and nothing will convince me to go to a place twice, after being served with cold food. 

Besides the fact that warm food is more appetizing, it is more likely to be free of contaminants. People are not so bothered about eating fresh food as you think. If you have what it takes to present food fresh to customers always, it will be a plus to you but you must be sure it will not lead to delay in serving food to your hungry customers.

So: Make sure you never serve cold food to your customers no matter the circumstances. 

4.    Serve Your Food Without Delay

A friend and I visited a so called high class restaurant not too long ago and demanded to be served with fufu. We ordered for drinks and were served immediately while making the food ready, since their policy was to serve food, fresh. We drank and filled our stomachs with our drinks, while waiting for the food to be served. 

It took the cook, who was at the same time the waiter, 45 minutes to finish preparing the food. After complaining and complaining our food was finally before us but we had lost our appetite for it. At the end, we ate grudgingly just to make sure our money wasn’t wasted, and left with much dissatisfaction. Since then, I have never desired to go back there, even though the quality of their food was good. 

So: I think the message is clear. 

5.    Treat Your Customer With Politeness

When people have their money, they want to feel valued. That is a normal human tendency. We often want to be honored for the money in our pockets. You must never forget this as you aim for the pocket of your customers. Speak softly, be warm and welcoming, listen to your customers, and make them feel like they are the true owners of the business.

Some customers are really difficult to tolerate, I know. But, you are the one losing when they leave. You need to learn to pocket your ego when you do business, so that your customers will always feel honored and want to come back. 

So: Make good use of polite words like “please”, “thank you”, “I am sorry”, “you are welcomed”, and so on.

6.    Make Sure Your Environment Is Always Clean and Pleasant

It is funny that so many restaurant owners are not so conscious about the environment where food is served their customers. You see people serving food just very close to where plates are washed and on wet and dirty tables where flies are feasting on the remnants of leftover food of others.
Some people tolerate smokers in their restaurants thinking that this will encourage more persons to come. 

I don’t know about others, but I will hardly eat anywhere that does not appeal to all the senses of my body. Which means, for me to patronize you, I will have to be sure that I will get the best taste, smell some good things, listen to some soft refreshing music and see a nice environment. This is what it takes to have a pleasant environment for your restaurant.

So: Try to appeal to all the senses of your customers, and they will be charmed. 

7.    Find Out What Your Customers Think

For any business, finding out the impression/complaints/suggestions of the customers is a great way of learning without spending a dime. Is it not wonderful when your customers share with you the secrets of winning their hearts? You can never have something more valuable than this, in your business. In fact, if you have a way of insisting that every customer shares his/her impression/suggestions, do so. 

Finding out what the customer thinks is not only a way of tapping into the resourceful minds of your customers,  but also making them feel honored as they know that you are concerned about what they think. You only need to be careful not to give the impression that the complaints of your customers are not making any impact. This is by giving serious considerations to the complaints of your customers.

So: Put on each table, your phone number for any complaints to be sent to. Also find a way to place a suggestion box somewhere very visible and encourage customers to make their suggestions known. Sometimes, join your customers on their tables for a few minutes, just to find out what they think about your food and service.

8.    Be Innovative 

Innovation is the spice of business. Innovative people always succeed in any business. When you are the type of person who is always thinking of new ways to do things, you are innovative and you will always thrive. Consider the following innovations:

-    Come up with an eating plan whereby customers can purchase an eating card that covers one meal for all the days of the month, but pay less than they would have paid if they had to be paying daily. This will guarantee you your money upfront even before you cook for your customers. 

-    On one or two feast days of the year, choose a meal that is not very expensive to prepare and offer it free of charge to your customer. However, don’t announce it to anyone. Let them find out only after eating so that they will not order for too much. Also make each customer feel that such a favor is given only to him/her so that he/she feels honored and doesn’t go out broadcasting it. 

This will cost you nothing compared to what it will bring back to your business when you build customer loyalty in the hearts of your customers.

-    Find out your best customers and call them from time to time to offer they and their family, free lunch. Imagine your customer coming along with his wife and children for free lunch. The children will always remind their father, to bring them to the restaurant where they got free lunch.

I could go on and on, but maybe from these, you can come up with more innovative ideas, yourself. Your customers could even tell you more, if you care to find out what they think.Also see how to excite your customers and what your customers are looking for.

Applying the above ideas will bring you success in your restaurant business and I can guarantee you that you will always be in money.

Make your comments below

Kadzem Claude

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  1. No one will ever go wrong with this practical tips and advices. I personally read through this and I am highly impressed. Great work Mr. Kadzem!

  2. Great piece. A pix is worth a thousand words really. The moment I saw the accompanying pix to this article I felt like I was already in a restaurant that has applied all the 8 secrets mentioned therein. Keep more coming Mr. Kadzem

    1. You are welcomed. More comes your way subsequently. Just keep coming back.


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