8 Qualities of Successful Entrepreneurs

Every entrepreneur desires success. Every entrepreneur dreams of being celebrated someday. Unfortunately not everyone who seeks to mount on the wings of success someday, know what it means. We may all start up a business, but we will not all succeed in raising it to a level where we dream of it getting. The difference will always lie in the qualities we possess.

The successes of entrepreneurs who are celebrated world over today can be attributed to some solid qualities which all of them have. All the Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Slim Carlos, Amancio Ortega, Ingvar Kamprad, Larry Elison, Aliko Dangote, Larry Page, Sergey Brin and other well accomplished entrepreneurs of today, have these qualities.

As I read widely and observe the lives of entrepreneurs who are evidently successful in different areas of business, I have seen that the following eight qualities are what anyone seeking to rise to greatness as an entrepreneur, need to possess. These qualities are inter-woven in each other. They are;


1.    Be Goal-Driven

Many people are doing something and aspiring to succeed; but, not all of them are driven by a goal they want to achieve. Some have a goal but are not fixed at it. A goal is a destination you strive to reach. Having a goal and pursuing it limits a person’s life to only the very necessary things he has to focus on. A goal gives birth to focus.

If you desire to someday become one of the worlds most celebrated entrepreneurs of your time, you cannot live a life short of pursuing a goal with undivided interest. Do you have a goal? Are you goal-driven?

2.    Be Hardworking

It is easy to say you have a goal. It could even be easy to say you are goal-driven. However, the quality of hard work is no cheap thing to find in just any person. It could even be possible that a man who is not driven by any goal, works hard on anything he does and enjoys some little degree of success, but impossible to see a lazy fellow with a clear goal, amount to anything. Hard work is inevitable for success.

Hard work that pays, entails more mental than physical work. It is about engaging one’s brain to deep contemplative and productive thinking. If you have not become use to getting out of the crowd daily, to think and come up with tangible ideas, as well as develop the ones you already have, you still have a long way to go on your journey to success.

3.    Be Focused

Focus is being able to fix your mind something regardless of any other thing. 
To be focused as an entrepreneur is to build a mental picture of where you want to get at the end of your journey, and setting your heart strongly at it without being distracted by any other thing no matter how attractive it may appear.

Today, with the so many upcoming business opportunities, many people who are in to business find it difficult to stay focused on their dreams. They are so carried by any viable opportunity they come across, such that they hardly attain success in anything. They end up as mediocre, for the most.

How focused are you? How many things are you trying to pursue at the same time? The problem is not that your business is not a viable one. The problem is that you have not given it the amount of attention it deserves, to succeed.

Pick up something you are passionate about and pursue it without being distracted till you get to the end. However, know the difference between being focused and being unrealistic. Some things will only waste your energy, if you stay focusing on them.

4.    Be Persistent

To persist has to do with resisting the temptation to give up. Whenever we are on the road to success, we come across speed breaks called failures. A good number of persons stop at one speed break or the other and that becomes the end.

Failure is not an uncommon word for successful entrepreneurs. It is the only food that both they are those who end up as failures, have eaten in common. The difference is that those who end up succeeding have refused to stop at failure due to the quality of persistence in them.

The CVs of all successful entrepreneurs has interludes and punctuations of failures. Bill Gates dropped out of Harvard and failed in his first business attempt; Thomas Edison had more than 1000 light bulb attempts before succeeding, Ben Franklin was a school dropout at 10, etc. Today, we can use them as our icons of success. Persistence made the difference.

5.    Be Self-Disciplined

Self-discipline is a quality that is hard to build but when built, makes a whole difference. It is self-discipline that makes a person set a limit of personal expenditure and keep to it. It is self-discipline that causes a person to wake up every 5 am in order to spend quality time on his goals. 

It is self-discipline that makes a person to resist the temptation to spend all his time socializing on facebook, and go ahead to face business. It is self-discipline that makes one to switch off an unproductive conversation, and get to work.

Very few people are self-disciplined; and when you come across people who have this quality, the difference in everything they do, is quite clear. What is that habit that you have been struggling with so long? Your problem is lack of self-discipline. You will not succeed or amount to much in business without this quality.

6.    Be Humble

It may surprise you that I say that in order to succeed a person needs to have this rare quality of humility. The reasons are many. Proud people are not quick to admit their mistakes, acknowledge others, learn from others, attribute their success to their team, and worst of all, to ask for assistance when they need it. It takes a humble person to do all these and whenever a person has these in him, success will not be a difficult thing to achieve.

Humility is a quality that attracts the best things of life Humility will build a wonderful relationship between you and your  workers as well as customers, and that will bring you mush success.  Build humility as an entrepreneur and see how it attracts success.

7.    Be Responsible

Many people keep failing because they are not responsible. Instead of taking responsibility for their mistakes and failures, and working on them, they blame others. They attribute all the success to their efforts and all the failures, to others.

A big step to success is to be able to take responsibility for the outcomes of all you do. You may succeed to make excuses for your mistakes and throw blames at others, but you will only end up failing. Take charge over your business; take responsibility. Whenever you fail, don’t look at someone else. Look at the mirror and see who is responsible. Your success begins from there.

8.    Be Always Hungry

When you see a man who is hardly satisfied, a man who always want more, a man who does not celebrate mediocrity and a man who is hardly pleased in his achievement, you have seen a man who is hungry. Such hunger will always birth success.

Successful entrepreneurs have this quality. They are never full. It may surprise you that when Bill Gates was first named the richest man in the world, he was asked what his greatest desire was and he said, “My greatest desire right now is to make one more dollar”.

The richest people in the world are the ones who crave to make more money, far more than those who have nothing. Their craving for more, contributes a great deal to why they keep having more. When you lose your hunger for more as an entrepreneur for whatever reason, you stop succeeding.

As you strive to succeed as an entrepreneur, you need to build at least these eight qualities in you, without which, success will only remain a dream. These qualities are not built in one day. But when you work at them daily, you will succeed to build them; and when you do, you will be on your way to becoming one of the world’s celebrated entrepreneurs of our time. See you at the top.

Make your comments below please.

Kadzem Claude
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  1. clear and full of simplicity,kudos sir

    1. You are welcomed. At Wealth Result we know we have all kinds of people as our audience so we keep things simple. Thanks for the comment.

  2. ill say smart working not hard working. Truck pushers are very hard working. Excellent post

    1. Yea, and that is what I explained above. 2 hours of mental hard work will produce results that 10 hours of physical hard work will never produce. Thank you for appreciating the post


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