Who To Hire For A Winning Business Team

In my piece titled: “How to Build a Winning Business Team”, I focused on the keys to building a winning business team, where I mentioned that hiring the right persons was the first thing to ensure. In this piece, I go forward to describe the kind of persons to hire for your business team. It is my hope that after going through this, you will be set to select the best mix of players that will bring to your business, the success you desire.

Something usually interests me in football. During the transfer season when players have to move from one club to the other, you see talented players being sold out by their team and someone far less talented is acquired. You see players who were a flop in their team during the past season, move to another team and begin to perform excellently while others who were performing well for their team, move to a new team and find it hard to blend and impress their fans. Just the wrong transfer is enough to ruin a player’s career. 



In business, it is very similar. When the right players join your team and are able to blend well with the other team mates, success is inevitable.  

It is impossible to build a team that wins always, by bringing together losers. Losers don’t make up a winning team. Therefore, if you will make a winning business team, you must go out in search for winners. Who are winners? The following persons are the most important persons for a winning business team, when combined rightly.

Creative Persons (Innovators)

Innovation is the mother of business and nothing grows very well without the mother. One thing that many businesses of today are starved of is innovation. It is easier to see people working from 8am to 5pm but just busy maintaining status quo. 

It is easy to see loyal, level headed persons in a business. It is even easier to see talented persons. However, in most businesses, very few people are actually thinking and thinking deep. When you have people in your business who can come up with a new thing every now and then, you make a very big difference. They are the ones on whose brains, the future of the business lies. 

It is easy to know a creative person. Engage him in a discussion on a subject he loves so much and you shall be marveled about the way he thinks. Paint a difficult scenario of a failing business for him to provide a way out or solution and he will come up with wonderful ideas.  When you meet a creative person, you have met a star for your business team. Get him and nurture.

Skillful/Talented Persons

Have you ever come across someone who seems to be good at just everything? He can speak well, he can organize things excellently, he got good taste for things, he is never moved, he knows what to do always, he is self-confident, and so on. Such people are super skillful and when they are in a team, they take the ideas of the innovators and run with them. All they need is that you build much confidence in them and make them know that you count a lot on them for the success of the business. They are likely to bear the business on themselves very often.

Skillful/ talented people are not as scarce to find in business places, as innovators. However, they are well sought after, such that it is not always easy to keep them working for you. When you see exceptionally skillful people who have skills you need, go for them. When you get them, build much of the operations of your business around them and empower them. Demand a lot from them and pay them well. Your business will flourish

Hardworking Persons

Every business has hard workers. Hard workers are the people who devote themselves completely to the business. They are so work conscious and can make more sacrifices for the business than any other set of team members. They may not be as creative as the innovators or talented as the skillful, but when they combine with the above two, things are done excellently. Their presence alone makes work to move on. 

When you come across hard workers, you will never mistake them. Their very build up has a lot to say. They know a lot by their experience of hard work. They are always impatient with lazy persons and whenever it is possible, they want to do everything all alone. Left to these persons, work may never experience any change but things will always get done. Since it does not need any education or status to be a hardworking person, you can see them at any level in a company and they can be placed anywhere, where there is physical work to be done.

Loyal Persons

In your business team, you should never lack these persons. Loyal persons will be willing to follow even when it is uncomfortable following. Loyal persons are the first most likely persons to catch your vision and run with it. They don’t love to be seen as rebellious. They take instructions easily and are very faithful on the work they do. 

A business that has loyal persons has people who will be there for the business when every other person leaves. They will bear the future of the business longer than any other persons. You can count on them a lot. Look for loyal people and bring to your team.

People Persons

When you build a business team without these set of persons, everything will always be about work and business and there will be no one to know how the people doing the work, are faring. The ‘people persons’ as I call them are the ones who most often make the business environment an exciting place for other team members to be. They easily know who is hurting and what to do. 

They are a balm at the work place. They can easily make sacrifices for others because they are very sympathetic. Your business doesn’t just need those who can do the work and bring in money. It needs those who care for the people doing the work. Such people soon become the reason why some persons love to come to work daily.

Very often when you get too busy with work and making money, they will have your back in trying to see that everyone is doing fine. Have one or two of such persons on your team. They will make good human resource offices, public relations officers, customer care officers, etc.

Connective Persons

Connective persons can be a big resource to a business. These are not necessarily persons who are connected to people who matter, but persons who can build good connections for the business. They can connect well with customers and potential customers. They know how to relate well with the public and bring in new people. You can count on them to publicize what you are doing.

Get someone who is very interactive; someone who loves talking and amusing people; who knows how to be everywhere and understands the business environment. He will be a big resource to your business. Such persons can be great for your marketing department.

Experienced Persons

Experience they say makes the difference. When innovation, skills/talents and hard work are mixed up with experience, there is always a blast. Experienced people are needed in any business. A true experienced person is one who knows what it means to fail, rise up, try again and succeed because he has experienced this severally in his career. Without failure and success, you are incomplete as an experienced person.

While every other person may be too excited in the team, the experienced are usually more balanced and level-headed because they have been to where the team is going and they know just how to get there.  

Very often, you will need these persons at the head of issues that surround the business as a whole. They will know just how to tap the resources out of all the others and bring all to the table, for success. Let them lead the team and success will be surer.

Now you have a perfect team and can be sure that with the right environment, your business will be on the moon. You can go on to see my post on "How To Create An Exciting Environment For Your Business"

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By Kadzem Claude

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