Although they sounded like it was a problem that had no solution, I did research and realized that some companies still have very low employee turn-over rates, not necessarily because of high pay packages but because of certain key aspects that could easily be neglected. The following highlight key ways of keeping employees glued to your business and ready to die for it to succeed.
1. Let Them Know What is Needed of Them
In many places I have seen disgruntled employees complaining that they do their best but hardly satisfy their employer. In most of such cases I realized that the employees don’t even have a clear job description which they strive daily to meet up with. They just come to work daily and try to do anything available for them to do. And so, often their efforts are met with frustration.
When employees don’t know precisely what they are employed to achieve for the business, they don’t know when they are achieving and so they never get this sense of value in themselves that is needed to make them feel their services are needed. I tell you that working for someone and lacking this feeling that says you are important for the growth of that business, is a very frustrating thing.
If you want to have loyal employees who will be ready to go all the way for your business, ready to make whatever sacrifices there are to be made, you must let every employee know what he/she is employed to do. With that, he/she could even evaluate his/her level of success.
2. Let Them Have The Feel That Their Services Are Valued
Have you ever heard an employer, telling his employee that even if he left, he will get someone else to fill the space? I use to hear this in one of the places where I worked some years ago and there, the rate at which workers were leaving was very high. Such statements are common in businesses owned by a single individual.
No one wants to work for a business where he/she is regarded as one who is desperate, ready to do anything just to keep the job. Even if this is true about the employee, you the business owner must never make the mistake of thinking that you could easily replace the employees you have and move on with business normally. There are so many problems with replacing workers always, which most employers don’t know.
Give your employees the feeling that their services are priceless and even what you pay them is nothing compared to the value they bring to your business. Don’t ever give the impression that what you pay them is enough motivation for them to die for the business. They will soon find someone willing to pay more for their services. If you want to keep your employees, cause them to see how their individual inputs are making the business what it is.
3. Appreciate Them for Every Little Sacrifices They Make
On a daily basis, employees come to the office and make little sacrifices for the business. At some point, because this becomes the usual thing, it is easy not to notice that these are sacrifices and need to be appreciated or rewarded.
Some employees work overtime, some make themselves available at odd hours, some receive their pay later than was promised, some take up other assignments readily, some run errands, some travel daily for the business, some work without leaves and breaks, some work on off–days, yet still others go home and continue to work for the business.
All these are sacrifices and very often overlooked by the business owner. When your workers make little sacrifices for the business, make sure you appreciate them. Appreciating them means in the first place you recognize and acknowledge these sacrifices and are grateful to have them in your team. Such appreciations could even be verbal, written or from time to time in cash, increase in off-days or promotions.
4. Make Their Job Exciting
Most people get bored these days with their jobs. They leave their homes praying for the end of the day to come soon when they will be back home from their boring jobs. They leave their homes each morning and can tell what awaits them in the office, to do. Their jobs offer no new challenges and experiences. Everything is obvious.
When a job is not exciting, the worker tends to be bored and start thinking of quitting for a more exciting job. How exciting is your work place?
One way to make the work of your employees, more exciting, is to rotate their work. Give them new tasks to perform say every three months. Let them have new experiences and more opportunities to learn and acquire new skills on the job. However, job rotation should be wisely done, such that it does not reduce productivity of the business as a whole.
5. Treat Them Without Bias
I realized recently that employees complain of nothing as much as they complain about lack of fairness in the way they are treated. Most employers don’t realize that their employees interact and see the things going on the business. Employees easily take note of the slightest preferential treatment done to another, in the same office.
As employer you need to be careful not to give the employees an impression that you prefer some staff over others. Even if you do, you must be careful the way this is shown. If you prefer some staff for their hard work, let it be made clear that they are more hard working and make those who are not, to see what they need to improve on, to get the preferential treatments you are giving the hard working staff.
As soon as employees notice that they are not preferred as others, they will be looking for the next employer who will prefer them.
6. Reward Hard Work Openly
One thing that motivates staff so much is when they are acknowledged and rewarded openly for their work. Open recognition makes anyone feel so great.
However, make sure you are rewarding hard work and nothing else, so that every employee can see how he/she too could be rewarded and treated with preference if they improve. If you are rewarding them for their qualification or financial inputs in to the business, those who are unable to do the same, will be discouraged and feel like their work inputs are not appreciated.
One group of people who are easily forgotten when recognitions are made, are those doing the odd and ‘petit’ jobs of the business. The drivers, cleaners, guards, etc. Don’t forget these people. As often as possible, recognize their work openly.
7. Foster Their Career Development
Many employers are only interested in the success of their businesses and hardly bothered about the future of their employees. When employees work on your business for 3-4 years, they want to see how much knowledge, skills and experience they have acquired, that can enable them progress in their career.
Employees develop on and off the job through trainings, seminars, new responsibilities and positions which they are exposed to. Have a career plan for each of your workers and discuss it with them. Then work at it faithfully, such that the employee can see the progress he/she is making in his/her career. With this, no employee will want to leave your business.
8. Get Involved In Their Lives
This is the most easily neglected way of keeping employees. We business owners get so caught up in the day-to-day affairs of our businesses that we forget that those working for us have lives they live and people they live with.
One sure way of keeping your employees is to touch their lives genuinely with love. In order to do so, you must get involved in their lives and families.
Be concerned when they have family crises and share in their happy moments. Don’t make your work place be as if the only thing important in life is to make money. Apart from the business you all have a life to live. Live it.
With the above eight points, you should be able to keep your employees so connected to your business and ready to do all in their powers to make the business a success.
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By Kadzem Claude
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