There are three arm that made up advertising structure there are; 1)Advertiser. 2)The Advertising practitioner and 3)The Media.
1)Advertiser: This is the client that benefits from the services of an advertising agent or practitioner and pays for such services.
2)Advertising practitioner: this body interpret and gives a clients brief in other to structure the campaign message to benefit both the client and the consumer.
3)Media: is the chosen channel by which a campaign message gets to the target audience. ie,it can be print,television, radio, electronic etc The above stated channels mutual benefit.
Adverting Informs To Our Benefit
Counseling of client:
The Advertising agency studies the clients brief's and advises on how best to reach the desired audience. Also, they evaluates and analyses the market helping both the final consumer and the client to benefit from the information to make a wise choice at point of purchase.Receiving brief from client:
The Advertiser goes to engage the services of an agency to other to push a product or services into the market place to make profit or still compete favorably.The advertising agent, looked at the brief ,analyses and evaluates how best to pitch in the market place.Planing Campaign for client:
The processes of launching a campaign can be very challenging and rewarding at the same time because the advertiser expects to get result and the final consumer expect to be properly informed.Thereby keeping the advertising agent on its toes to do a good job.Evaluating campaign effectiveness and the overall advertising environment:
The sole aim of advertising is to inform both the advertiser's and consumers to benefit, the best way for advertising to achieve such goal is by discovering what the market demands and how to tailor the information about a product or services to suit a need.Advertising,involve more than the normal persuasion that people are aware of,it also informs and reinforces the message that the consumer is aware of in order to move the to use the product or service.Once the information have been tailored right and the advert is given to the client/advertiser to see and approves, it can be launched for the public to assess.
The advertising scope is greatly affected by the advertiser's budget. However,the advert may use any of the following media;print,radio,television,electronic media.
Nevertheless, the advent of internet makes it a lot easy to disseminate information with a click on the mouse or a touch on screen but the campaign message will be more productive if, the vital areas of advertising is covered.
Research, have shown that the top 10 ranking enterprises are the one's that engages in advertising messages and the 10 low ranking enterprises are the one's who do not advertise.So, no matter how costly advertising campaign may seem the proceed pays more.
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