How To Take Roasted Plantain (Boli) Business To The Next Level

Have you ever considered what it means to be economically self-reliant? It means to be totally financially independent; this is a  kind of life I am sure you and I will love to experience, celebrate and pass on to generations to come. It does not require an MBA or a rocket science approach. It only requires your ingenuity, also listening to the entrepreneur within you and taking actions.

Have you ever considered the daily take home of the woman selling roasted plantain(also called Boli in native Nigeria) next to your office?, how you can geometrically multiply it and give the business a face-lift? it just requires some basic steps and you might end up raking profits.

Basic Steps Required:

Research Your Best Quick Serve Restaurants

There are thousands of resources you can learn from both locally and internationally. The internet can take you around the world. Take a creative and strategic journey to the minds and success story of international brands in the hospitality industry.

Strategically Choose A Business Name, Register & Brand It

Choose a  name that can win the minds of prospective customers, register the name and brand it. Learn what it takes to build a strong brand, hire a good graphic designer to work on your logo design and other marketing materials.

seek advice from experienced 'Boli' seller

It is quite necessary to seek the advice of someone who can share his/her experiences in the business to a less experienced and often naive (in the business) person. The experienced sellers required here are successful/emerging entrepreneurs and knows the business ups and downs. Learn all you need to succeed in this business.

Research The Best Source Of Supply And Pricing For Your Plantain

At this start-up stage, it is quite important that you get very involved in the selection of the plantain so as to get best negotiation prices. Always select the best and make them uniform in size, shape and ripeness.

Develop A Workable And Bankable Business Plan

Your business plan is your business in black and white, it speaks volume when you are not there.It is a formal statement of a set of business goals, the reasons they are believed, attainable, and the plan for reaching those goals. It may also contain background information about the organization or team attempting to reach those goals. It is meant to guide you and also attract investors.

Choose A Strategic Location

A great location, well branded is one of the keys to success in this kind of business, it is very essential to have target audience and stay focus. This will separate you from the roadside Boli vendors. Consider a location in a commercially dense area such as an office space in Balogun market, Idumota market, etc. Make contact with your prospective customers through flyers, make provisions for office deliveries and online bookings through Hellofood.

Create Your own Recipes

This should be a top secret known to you and partially one or two members of you staff. Learn from the professional chefs -, food network, in fact, ask Google. Remember, your work is not roasting of plantain but playing a managerial, supervisory(quality control) role and meeting customers satisfaction. 

Production Capacity

Production capacity depends on the capital invested and capital capability but it is always advisable to start moderately, learn and grow along with the business. 


How you introduce and present your product to the market is very important. Packaging is a of modernizing your product using foil paper instead of the local use of paper nylon. This distinguishes your product from others and it makes the product looks attractive and acceptable for consumers in corporate offices.

Other Keys To Success

Commit your business to God's hand and let him direct you

Be your own best customer and ambassador

Always keep your environment clean 

keep adequate record and work with a budget

Pay yourself

Be happy always and anticipate challenges

Take Action

Action speaks louder than words. Start small with what you have, even right from your kitchen. Pay the price now, seek after excellence and success will follow you. Enjoy the experience and challenges of being an entrepreneur. 

God Bless Nigeria 
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