How To use low capital to start a big bread business

Bread is a staple food prepared from a dough of flour and water, usually by baking. It is the oldest food made by man. Every generation of mankind have made, eaten, and enjoyed it. It provides satisfaction in its varying forms and sizes. No wonder people always pray: give us this day our daily bread. It does not only serve as food, it also provides employment in various ways. Raw material, production, and most of all, the sales.

sales: the business opportunity it presents in this aspect is obvious, cheap, and easy to take on. I mean you need but a little capital to start. The most executive aspect of bread business is "the sales". Since it does not have long lasting preservatives, producers need to sell them off, as fast as they can. And they depend solely on sellers to achieve this goal. That puts you in line for the business.

What you need to do: location is the most important aspect, for starters. so get a subway location, or any place you can find more than usual number of people, and station yourself there. The bread business is mostly done in the night. So it gives you time to look at some other things. 

Talk to the producers around you about your intent, and work out a process with them. They would want to ascertain your seriousness. Do not give them a reason to doubt your ability. Remember you have little or no capital, your success here depends on integrity. Starting usually is difficult, that's why you would need to get all the answers having to do with your enviroment. So that when you start there will be nothing stopping you. 

How much you make on a loaf should not discourage you. How many you sell should encourage you. Your sustenance does not depend on what you make on each loaf. It depends on how much you are able to sell daily. The prices differ according to their sizes and tastes. It wouldn't be long you started and other producers would take notice of you. So satisfy the want of your customers with all the varieties, from white to brown (wheat) bread.

Do not sell spoiled bread. Get ready to make the needed sacrifices. There is always an arrangement to return unsold bread, make sure you work that out with your supplier. Listen to the complaints of your customers, and respond accordingly. Your success  depends on how good you treat your customers. A lot of people wait as long as it takes to buy from one person, just because of the kind relationship they have built over time. So it's best to listen to their views and respect their wishes.

Pay attention as people patronize you. You will find out by so doing the winning brand, the bread that they want most. Make sure you always have enough, do not give them a reason to go looking for it elsewhere. Learn how to persuade people to go with another brand when their first choice is not there. Over time you will come to have regular customers, find how to show your appreciation. It gives customers a sense of belonging when you show them that you appreciate their efforts in keeping you in business.

Save. This is a process you need to work yourself through from the start. It will help you all the way. Businesses grow by this means, yours should not be different. So do not misappropriate your capital, keep your expenditures on check.Think of ways to improve, know when you need what you need. E:g when you need to get a bigger place, when you need a vehicle, when you need sales help. Do not keep wasting your time looking up to people. Make others look up to you. Take advantage of this opportunity, and liberate yourself from joblessness.


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