Plan Your Day
Every entrepreneur should have a set of plan for each day, if they want to succeed. Don't walk into a day blindly. Have an established and realistic goal. Have it written. Do it a night before or early in the day. Failure to plan they say, is actually planning to fail.
Accord value to your task. What comes first in the day should be a function of the value it brings to your business. Attend to the most important and urgent task first before others. The 80/20 Pareto Principle suggests you spend 80% of your time on the 20% of your activities that generates the most(80%) income for your business. Drop the activities that yields low income to your business.
Learn to Say No
This is one skill you must have if you are going to manage time more effectively. You can't afford the luxury of granting all requests. You can't solve every problem. Refuse to pursue the unproductive. Some things in your life must get a NO for an answer.
Reduce The Distraction
We often surround ourselfs with items that easily distract us. A smart entrepreneur must eliminate the "noise" around. Turn off the alerts. Switch off the phone. Reduce the sound of the television.

Leverage On Technology
Take advantage of problem-solving technology. There are benefits in science, leverage on them. There are softwares and gadgets around you that solves problems at reduced time. Invest in modern technology. Expose yourself and your staff to new tools that makes you work faster and efficient.
Delegate Wisely
You can't do it all. That's the beauty of having smart people around you. Accept help from them. There are people around you who would help for little or nothing. Shrink your work load, be more effective. Work smart, by delegating.

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