Suddenly the computer that everyone then yearned to have became obsolete. Because technology learned to make life easier through the birth of laptops. One could no longer need to get home or to the office to do what he wants to do with a computer. After all, it's a computer age, everyone needs it. And that means that the world will ever need computers.
In this quest to belong to the advancing world of technology, there is always a question of, where do i buy a good computer? Especially in a developing country like ours. And if you provide an answer to that question you are rich. People think one needs all the money he can get to establish a radiant office (for attraction) and run the best TV or radio ads to sell laptops. That impression is wrong, even the most advertised offices don't always give people what they want. But you can, there is only a question of, from what source?
You should know that the success of anything you do depends on how much you know about it.
The first step: enhance your knowledge. Get to know your way around laptops. This goes beyond the normal use of laptop that the average person on the street can do. Deepening your knowledge about laptop computers will not only upgrade you personally, but will also enable you to determine when a laptop is good or bad.
The second step: source of supply. finding a reliable source of supply will enable you not buy laptops that had been worked on, or have some missing features. The defining moments of truth come, not at the point of sales, but when what you sold is put to the test. Your customer wouldn't understand the "it's not my fault" explanation you would try to render. So save yourself the trouble through your source of supply.
The third step: affordability. Keeping the price at affordable rates will help you to win the interest of potential buyers. while the first step is solitary, the latter two work harmoniously. Remember, the most trustworthy ad is not that seen on TV or heard on radio. It's recommendation based on practical experience. So how good you answer a customer's "where do I buy a good laptop computer question" results in how many more people he brings back to you.
The fourth step : honesty. One thing that will help you to achieve the preceding 3 steps is honesty. Always state the condition of the laptop (no word saved) especially when it's a fairly used (Tokunbo). If it's a new one, make sure that the warranty arrangement is in place. If you thoroughly work yourself through this process you are ready to begin.But there is yet another question of, how do I begin?
The fifth step: advertise. The capital intensive status of this business is undeniable, but that does not mean there is no room for low capital people. Here the saying "cut your coat according to your size" applies. If you do not have what it takes to get a befitting office, start with the people around you. Tell your friends about your new venture, prove true to them. you can use free online marketing, that will help you to reach as many people as possible. E g olx.com
The sixth step: be focused. One thing you should not loiter at is "focus" know where you are going. Be diligent, set targets for yourself, and do not be discouraged when it is not met. Every business has its challenges. Learn from mistakes and move on. There is no successful story without a page of mistakes.
The seventh step: do not sell on credit. Remember it is the first step of your journey of a thousand miles. And that is one of the reasons why you should not sell on credit no matter who it may be. If a buyer wants to pay install-mentally, keep the computer with you and
let go when he pays up.
What if you have the financial respect for an office? Then the chances will better. But you need to keep an eye out for something.
The eighth step: location. A lot of businesses liquidate in a short-while due to their locations. So look for a place that could easily be accessed by people even if you have to pay more. People who walk the streets take note of business names and what they stand for, so that when the need arises they wouldn't have a problem finding their way.
The ninth step: customer orientation. Pay attention to the demands of the people who patronize you, and build enduring customer relationship based on that. Call your customers some other times to find out how they are doing. Remember, your office isn't all about you. If they have a problem with their already bought laptops, see how you can help them solve it. Your customers come first, and it is your responsibility to make them come back the next time.
The tenth step: Set your own standards. Do not try to copy what others have laid down a long time. Your office should represent your ideas, giving people something different from what they are used to. Business is, developed ideas on "buying and selling". The amount of ideas in you will determine how fast you succeed. So walk your way out of the shadows of businesses that had been. create a pattern that, even those before you will try to follow. If you follow these practical steps, in a very short while people will be looking for you for the very reason that you looked for them.
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