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No Fear
Fear that is borne out of experience is arguably the worse type of fear that is out there. If you have failed in a venture or have found yourself as a team leader in a project failing miserably, shaking away the fear if you come across the same kind of task again can be very difficult. This is more so when the pressure of expectation is great especially in an organization where everything you do either works for your promotion or demotion
Such a fear usually makes you to be extra careful when there should be no need to be. I use “extra careful” to save you some blushes because for most people in that box, it is not about being extra careful but of deliberately stalling or dragging their feet. Fear of what you had gone through the last time, coupled with the fear of what might happen should failure repeat itself could hinder your leadership ability.
The man with a lack of experience would have no fear in that kind of set up. They would easily trust in their ability and training to help them overcome every task and challenge that stands in their way of achieving set objectives. They would know how to systematically apply set responses to anticipated issues because that is how they have been trained to deal with the issue.
Lack of experience will help them to walk through the forest that is rumored to have a hungry beast lying in wait and it may just be that the beast if it really exists may be taking a nap when they walked through.
Sense of Adventure
The person with a lack of experience can exhibit a great sense of adventure that can positively influence other members of the team especially if they hold a strategic position of influence in that team. Their enthusiasm may all but win the day, as other members of the team that have probably been there and done that will be re-energized. A team that has someone with lack of experience in a strategic position of influence can act as a catalyst for that team to achieve beyond set goals.
This is in stark contrast to someone whose abundance of experience could have a less invigorating experience on the team. They become overly conservative in their expectation and may consider just brushing under the set goals a success. That is, it limits them and the team they are with in achieving set objectives by pursuing every available means to attain such goals.
Potential for Success & Audacity
The potential for success increases when someone with lack of experience holds a strategic position of influence in a team. They are the type that will naturally want to take on the “Goliaths” of obstacles with “untested” tools or tools that others might scoff at yet their audacity could carry the day for the team. They will lay out strategies in achieving set goals that might look a dead giveaway of their lack of experience but they also have the vigor to get into the thick of things without holding back, thus helping them to see to the successful execution of the plans.
No Pressure from Within and Above
The rules of evaluation may change when it applies to someone that is recognized to lack experience even when he or she has been given a team leadership position in a project. The kind of pressure they feel is different from that one with experience would feel. The same thing applies to the individuals themselves because in more cases than one they will be excited or have positive pressure rather than negative pressure.
Lack of experience does not have to be a negative thing in the real sense of the word. There are times when it would be a positively strategic and a correct decision to place someone that lacks experience in a position of leadership or influence within a team structure because they will bring the positives of their lack of experience to bear on the project at hand.
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