How To Grow Money From Grass And Grains

Grass is a natural jewel made in vegetation form. It's usefulness is undoubtedly evident on how vast it covers the surface of the earth. No wonder concrete jungles made by urbanization and industrialization have not been able to put it out of existence. It has served man in so many ways; food, medicine, and beautification. It has also provided fortune to those who pay attention to it. Have you ever considered the possibility of growing money from grass?

To many it's unthinkable, but to others, it's a dream come true.For so many years, those who paid attention to the currency notes emanating from fodders and foliage have reaped maximally. Yet the field is wide and accommodating. There are so many types of grass available accordingly in every part of the world. E:g Bermuda grass, African bristle grass, Brome, False oat grass, fescue, heath, meadow,orchard, Rye grass etc.

These different types of grass have individually contributed to astounding financial growth worldwide, by serving mainly as food to animals. There are other types of it that could not be ignored. Grains. E:g Maize, Millet, Oats, Sorgum, Soybeans, Wheat, Rice, Clover etc. They are all planted, harvested and sold to the demanding market. Man and animals share some of the latter, making it more lucrative.  Let's take for instance Rice.

Rice has become the world most important food. More than half of the world's population depends on rice for food, especially developing countries. In the year 2025, the world will need about 760 million tons of paddy, due to the growing demand. The increment in future production of rice depends, therefore on efficiency and interest. And that's where the opportunity lies. Nigeria alone spends N365bn annually on rice importation. If you cultivate an acre of rice yearly, the figures would not be the same.

Apart from rice, others command financial respect. The African bristlegrass, maize, meadow, millet etc. Animal farming needs sustenance in  times of horde, and herders sustain their herds buying animal foods in the markets.  Those who have grasses and grains enough to harvest fodders and corn, build a good financial reputation during theses times.

Annually, the growth is making a remarkable increase, which means that many more people are getting rich in a common way. The idea of growing money from grass has long been, but ignored. Here you have the chance to elaborate it. Cultivate these needed grasses and grains, harvest and store them. It's only a matter of time and people who need them will find you. And you will understand the magic of growing money from grass. 

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  1. Is interesting to know about this

  2. How do an individual invest in this kind of grass in Nigeria and how much would an individual likely invest in it.

  3. It depends on the market available to you. If you are close to cattle rearers, the opportunity is always ripe in dry season.Animal feeds does not require much capital, you only need to devote time to harvest, and store them during rainy season. But you will need a field where you can cultivate the feeds. But you have to set up a store house, probably at home, and employ a workforce that could contain the demand. About N300000 will make a good start.But if you are going to cultivate crops for human consumption, the capital will be about N2.5 million

  4. Chief do u have contacts on how to get dangote hybrid tomato seeds?


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