True, farmers regard the rainy season as a blessing, many other investors may not have the same perception about this time of the year when flood and cold seem to be a clog in the wheel of their commercial activities. When its always wet, everything seems to drag at its best. For those in flood prone areas, the problem is more as they battle with the issue of traffic congestion especially when the roads are filled with pot holes and craters. Worse still, people are susceptible to the loss of property worth billions of dollars through flooding. Whether you regard the rainy season as a blessing or a curse however, it is time to look on the bright side and consider how the seeming 'curse' can be converted to a blessing. These are some investments that may make you smile to the bank when others are busy shivering or mopping waters.
While the rain may hinder some people from carrying out their businesses, others are left with no choice but to go out and seal that deal. Foot soldiers who represent organizations as marketers are not given special consideration, so they are compelled to go out and meet their targets. For people like this, the usage of umbrellas is inevitable. Observation has revealed that umbrellas hardly last from one season to the other, some who buy umbrella in the morning do not get to use it the following day as they tend to forget it when it ceases to drizzle. This makes it necessary for them to get another one when it starts pouring again. So a good business person whose aim is to sell as much parasol as possible will have to defy the weather and go all out to sell. generally the sale of parasol soars during this season than any other season.
Some job descriptions make it difficult for people to use umbrellas while at work. For example, dispatch riders need to be on their bike all the time, so it is impossible for them to make use of umbrellas. Since teenagers tend to be more carefree than the adults, the likelihood is high that they do not return home with the umbrellas they took out in the morning. Generally, umbrellas present one form of challenge or the other as the one using it does not have the freedom of engaging both hands in whatever he or she is doing. To that end, raincoats have become a viable alternative to get going during rainy season. Since this season does not last forever, it gives the investor the race to quickly make his investment and his money while it still drizzling. So courier organizations with a lot of dispatch riders, construction companies, other corporate organizations as well as private and public schools constitute the target market of the one who is investing. It is worthy of note though that raincoats are not design for work purpose alone, some rubber jackets can double as raincoats and fashionable material for people of all age groups.
Rain-boots are not just needed while it is still pouring, they are needed after the downpour might have ceased but when the floor is still wet. Floors of some commercial centers are not just wet, they are also muddy. This makes it challenging for some people to walk as they do not want to soil their leather shoes and sandals. like the raincoats, some rain-boots are beautifully designed to serve the purpose of prevention of rain and also adding to the beauty of the one wearing it. So an investor does not just target construction companies and road-workers, they also target individual business people who want to prevent their feet from getting soiled while appearing presentable.
Windscreen Wiper Blades
Do not be in a hurry to conclude that individuals who have their own cars may not be on the list of your target audience this season. As a matter of fact, they may need you more than those without cars. Windscreen wiper blades are not often put to use when there is no rain. This factor may make some blades that have become exposed to the heat of the sun gets stiffened. When the rain starts and they are now needed, they do not wipe off the water and the steam effectively. Thus, a driver who doesn't want to experience a clouded vision will be compelled to change the wiper blades. Some negligent motorists, whose blades have become removed may not replace it until it starts to rain. Such ones are willing to do anything to get wiper blades for their cars. As part of your strategy towards selling as much wiper blades as possible, you may not have to wait till it starts raining. Approaching transportation and logistics companies with a lot of vehicles and stressing the need for them to change their wiper blades in order to prevent accidents may be more fruitful than you can imagine. The cost of individual wiper blade may not be much, but the transaction and deal sealed per organization will surely make you smile to the bank.
Dispensers, Heaters, Electric Kettles
As observed, people tend to get cold during rainy season. After defying the weather and getting to their various destinations, they fight off the cold through various means. One of such is by taking coffee and other hot chocolate beverages. Sometimes, offices do not have functioning water dispensers. A proactive business man willing to invest will make it his point of duty to approach organizations ahead with a proposal of supplying them with dispensers. Of course, there are SMEs with budgets that cannot afford dispensers because its raining and the weather is cold. These ones should be given the option of getting electric kettles and other forms of water electric water heaters. Again, the level of profit to be recorded is contingent on the number of organizations you are able to convince to patronize you.

Admittedly, the rainy season may prevent people from getting things done according to schedule, when you supply the above, you are not just making money, you are playing the role of facilitating their businesses. So even if you have to get wet to get to them, they will sure appreciate the service and sales that you are rendering.
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