Do you want to make money teaching music and instruments? Are you a talented musician who is so passionate about music and instruments, but struggling to catch a break and struck in a job you don't like just to make ends meets?
If so I will advice you to consider teaching a musical instruments. and here are so facts I will want you to know about music:
If so I will advice you to consider teaching a musical instruments. and here are so facts I will want you to know about music:
Many studies have been conducted on the effects of music to the brain. Scientists says that children who are exposed to music, or those who play an instrument, do better in school than those who don't and it will also benefit a child's reading age, iQ and the development of certain part of the brain. Adults can benefit from learning to play an instrument too because it helps the mind to be alert and remain active eventually helping to sharpen the memory.
Learning to play an instrument is like learning to speak another languages and it can be challenging at times. Music we know is one of life's simple joy, its calms the mind. Recently in Nigeria Music and entertainment industry, there has been a continuous boom in terms of talents and economy. This has necessitated the demand for quality and practical oriented music.
There are old age music schools but the competition in terms of quality education in music has helped them and new comers in the business to adopt high standards in their teaching, starting a musical school is so simple you don't need a huge sum to begin no rent fee.

There are recognized schools in these business also and they are very popular: MUSON school of music, Tenstrings Music School, Classique School of Music and lastly Lekki Music School yours could be among the listed schools someday. it not an exaggeration that you could make up to N30,000 from each student.
There are excellent reasons for you to look into when teaching music and I'm sure there are many more. you know now that there is nothing stopping you from getting out there and earning some cash.
Business Plan
Have a list of what you will need to start this business with, the kind of instruments you will need, music books and notebooks, biros, marker board for writing and musical equipment if necessary. you could get a new mini keyboard for about N20,000, microphones N2,500 each, new Yamaha Keyboard N60,000 but this amount varies.
If possible, ask someone who knows a lot about musical instruments to accompany you, maybe a friend who could play the instruments would be able to access whether the instruments is in good conditions by playing it and listening to how it sounds.
Make sure that the money you're paying for the used instrument is worth it. Research first how much the instrument costs if it's brand new; go to different shops, compare prices, compare the condition of the used instruments and assess whether it's truly a good one.
Pick a catchy Name
A catchy name always win,Let your name be simple and easy to remember. Don't do long and draggy names. What's the essence if your customer cannot identify you with your name?
Advertise Your Music Business Effectively
Use all possible online media platforms like Facebook, Google+, twitter etc. Print flyers with your business name, address and phone numbers included. Place adverts on local newspapers. You can also start with words of mouth by telling your neighbors, friends , churches and/or any social gatherings.
Lastly, before you can achieve this you need to first believe in yourself, believe in your dreams, carry out a good research about the business, then you can be assured of being successful in this business. You can!
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