How to Make Your Advert Effective

In this age of ruthless competition, advertising your services and products through the mass media has become a necessity. If you want to accelerate the awareness that the public has about your products, if you want their patronage to surpass that of the competition, you need more than producing qualitative product, you need advertisement. There are instances however where organizations expend millions of dollars on advertisement without getting the needed result. To avoid that pitfall, you need to consider these basic factors before deciding to advertise eventually.

The Product

You have to consider the type of product you are offering before deciding on the type of awareness you are willing to give it. If your product is new, your advert agency should know well to inform your audience that you are introducing it. Tell them reasons why they have to favor your products over those that are in existence.
If it is an old product, emphasis should be laid on how quality has been sustained over the years. If the sales of this old product is dwindling because of competition and more choices that are available to the consumers, tell them of the added advantages they can derive when they buy from you. If the poor sales is because of counterfeiting, your advertisement is not complete if you do not warn your audience of it. In addition, alert them of signs that will help them differentiate between the fake and the original.

The Target Audience

Every sales professional, advertising practitioner and business manager know that there is nothing like general audience when you are placing an advertisement. The audience you are targeting therefore will determine the type of advertisement you want to place. So it is important that you ask if your product is meant for the old folks or the young generation.

Are you manufacturing a product that will serve the need of the men or that of women? Is your product meant for the elites or the low income earners? Even if you seem to be targeting a large set of people, there may be need for you to segment your market so as to know what you are to tell who.When you decide this in advance, it will not just help you in designing the advertisement, it will help you to determine the media you are to use and the time it will be placed.

The Media

A consideration of the product and the target market will subsequently inform your decision about the medium that is most appropriate for advertising your product. So you have to liaise with your agency and determine if radio is the most appropriate for the advertisement you are about to place.
Will the audience understand the message more if it uses audio visual materials? Then TV may be your best bet. As a matter of fact, research has shown that television has the most potent force in convincing prospective buyers to take the decision of buying. This is primarily because it does not just appeal to sense of hearing like radio does, it combines sense of sight too.
You do not just decide if you are using TV or radio or the two media, you also determine how it will be placed. So think if it is strategic enough for you to just place your advertisement with no strings attached. Also consider the possibility of using endorsement of celebrities. Will it be worth the effort eventually if you create awareness for your products and services through sponsorship? The time that the advertisement will be aired is of utmost importance.

After you have determined your target audience as we have noted earlier, it is important to know when they are most available to view TV or listen to a radio program. If you are targeting men, is it not appropriate to place your advertisement during a news broadcast? If you want to reach out to preteens and teenagers, is afternoon and early evening not perfect to reach them? The same way it will be okay to get to women on weekends.

Whatever your decision, know that advertisement placed during prime time (in the morning or in during the hours of early evening) is more effective than those placed at some other times. Whether you want to use the radio or the TV, the landscape or coverage of the media organization should be given serious consideration. How much of your target audience watch programs on such stations? How effective is their reach and transmitting strength? You are not restricted to the radio or TV, Billboards, newspaper and magazines too can be very effective if you want to reach as many people as possible.

The Cost

There is nothing wrong in combining all of forms of media when placing your advertisement. It depends on how elastic the organizational budget is. Some organizations are so sure that their products will do well in the market that they go to the length of getting loans to push their media campaigns. That is a decision that every business must make on its own.

True, advertisement can be very persuasive. But it is a waste of resources if the product or service you are advertising is of low standard or is not competitive enough. So find out about the weaknesses of your competition and ensure to build on it. When your product is okay, and you are sure of those who will buy them, and you have determined the media that is most appropriate for advertisement, there will be little or no hitches in winning your customers over.
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