How To Promote Your Business Online

Are you a company that has a low advertising budget? if so, there are variety of fairly new low-cost advertising and promotional tools you can use. Nearly everyone in business in on the internet now, and they enjoy the convenience and ease of buying from or learning more about businesses online. Give your customers what they want by having a sound presence online.

Steps to Promoting Your Online Presence

Set Up Your Own Website

You either set up your own website or you can pay someone to set it up for you. You can have a website designed for you and you pay monthly plus yearly registration of your domain name and hosting. Most importantly, your website needs to have easy navigated layouts be filled with useful and interesting information and be free of junk or unhelpful information. Besides just information about your business and your sales basket. 


Think of adding articles, individual stories about and company events, how to use information using products and services, lesson learned, freebies such as downloadable craft tutorial or free e-book, e.t.c. Be generous and your customers will be impressed, checking back regularly for more.

Use You Tube to Promote Your Business 

Perhaps one of the most popular and creative way to show more information about business is to use  videos. Some examples of how to do this is to upload a video of your company, and put in links to your websites.

Videotape launches and other public events promoted by your business so that clients who could not make these events are still able to catch up on what happened.

Participate in Forums And Blogs

This is one way to help promote your product and services, showing yourself as an expert and as someone who genuinely wants to help resolve peoples problems. Often you do this for free. In some cases you may have to pay a fee to advertise on their sites but usually you do not. 

In many cases, simply stating you are the founder/owner/director e.t.c of a certain site can be sufficient to alert people to the good your company is doing online. Make sure use of pages on sites that allow this. It can be a great way to promote your business, especially if you contribute information to the website that in turn leads readers back to your page for more details.

Get On Facebook

Use Facebook, setup and constantly update your business fans pages to keep fans posted on your business happenings. keep updates relevant and interesting do not just talk business share news, items, comments about things seen on fan pages, images e.t.c.

Use Email Marketing 

You can create lists of customers, or potential customers that you keep in touch with on a regular basis. Always seek to get the agreement of customers to be e-mailed first. Remember you are not allowed to send people information they do not request for. It makes business sense to only send information to people who hear about your product and services and not to those who do not.

In a nutshell, treat your customers  well, be open and be honest. Do not expect everyone you interact with to buy from you. But at least leave them with a good impression of your intention. Some people would find their way back to your company when you least expect it, if you have treated them well and given them an experience that was fun, interesting and acknowledge them as an individual of importance regardless of their consumer status.

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  1. Great tips here. I would like to add that you should also design your website around your customers need while not forgetting to optimize your website

    1. Tnx Adeniyi, its important to put that into consideration.


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