How To Start Blogging

Blogging as you know has become a big means of information and fortune. Sometime before now, it was just a means used by politicians, to achieve political objectives. Today, the story is different. There are more people who blog for other reasons than they are those who blog for political objectives. However, there is still a chance for any who wants to blog. And if you are of them, this is how you can start.

Before you start.

Consider what you really want to do with your blogs.








Technology etc.

When you have made up your mind on what to blog about, you have taken the first step.

The platform to use for your blogs is an important part of your beginning. Some of them offer free blogging, e.g and  , but know that blogging involves a lot of features that may not be found on the free platforms. And that's the reason you should use word press, it offers a variety of enticing feature, i.e you will categorize your works according to their contents. For tips on how to use WordPress, go to to use Google blogger, visit and follow the registration instruction, it's simple.

Another important step you should consider is domain hosting, that is, if you want to do blogging big and make money from it. The free blogging platforms may not give you the opportunity to earn money since it is free, and if they do, you will share whatever you earn with them.
Use a domain that fits into your plan, make the name attractive  and design it to fit your contents. That's the best way to make money from blogging. The cost of Domain names is not much. Domain hosting companies give various affordable offers, e.g, and There are available accordingly.

When you started.

Make the contents rich and problem solving.  What people are actually looking for is answers to their questions. If they find it on your blog, they will pay you back with loyalty. You may need to look at what others are doing (not  plagiarizing) to make amends.

Promote your work. You can do this through social media, Facebook, twitter, Google+ etc. Invite your followers to your blog, and keep them coming by giving them what they really need.

Another means of getting people to your blog, is search engine optimization. See, ( search engine marketing) A lot of people go online looking for information about everything, and they rely on search bars to get such information. You do not need to pay to do that, many search engine companies do not take fees to admit people to their search engines.

Your search engine optimization choice of words, determines how much people see your article, or whatever you do on search engines. And how much people click on your article determines your success. It is actually called "traffic." Your ability to drive in traffic makes you a successful blogger. Therefore, you better pay attention to people's choice of words when they are using the search engine. The "hows" are always winning.
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Attend The EPIC BLOGGING Seminar (Jan 29th - 30th, 2016)

Do you want to learn how to blog professinally like me and earn real money, I mean millions of naira every month? Then start making arrangement to attend my 2days EPIC BLOGGING Seminar taking place in Lagos on January 29th and 30th 2016. You've never seen anything like this before and believe me, you'll miss the whole world if you miss it >>> CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
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