4 Steps That Can Kill Peer-To-Peer Workplace Conflict Before It Starts

The best way to resolve workplace conflict is to settle the problem before it arises. Peer-to peer conflict could be the worst kind of workplace conflict as far as the worker is concerned. You just know that you are going to be seeing the same person again and the conflict will continue either in form of mind games or quiet rumblings.

The best way of dealing with workplace conflict between colleagues is to put on a workplace personality that will kill it before it shows up for battle. Below is a suggested workplace personality that can be used to make sure that peer-to-peer conflict does not arise in the first place.

Be Proactively Nice

This is you starting off by putting your best foot forward. Being proactively nice as opposed to staying aloof and coming off as either being moody or grumpy will lay down a clear signal that I am your friend and not your enemy. As humans, we seem to have an affinity or radar that looks and finds the enemy anywhere we go and we know we are going to be staying there for a while. It is as if we subconsciously mark and catalogue the people we come across and know we will be seeing a lot of into mental drawers that could be labeled friend, foe, psycho etc. and the thing here is that we do not even know their names yet.

Being proactively nice from the point of first meeting is like you subconsciously campaigning to not to be kept on the psycho or foe drawer. You being nice should not make you come off as being at best intrusive and at worst, the first person to go in the psycho drawer. You can prevent this by approaching with a valuable tit bit, like the WC that should be avoided in the restroom or where they cafeteria is if workers that have spent 10 years in the firm are still having trouble locating it.

Give a tip that is practically sound and avoid psycho-ward questions (do you know why most clouds have the name cumulus attached to them?), or things that do not have any practical value.

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Asking For Assistance

Humans loved to give assistance and show their expertise. We naturally love it when people see us as being valuable. This is even more so in the workplace environment. If you want to be proactive about killing workplace conflict with that person before it start, go ask for his or her help in a matter. Now this will work even better if you are the one that is supposed to be the veteran. The help may be in form of a clarification. You can ask if they could explain what the manager said during the daily appraisal meeting or something you know they will naturally know the answer. You are saying that his or her input is of value to you.

In addition, if it so happens that the person does not know, flow with it. It is not a quiz, you are the one that needs help. Asking for help works in the subconscious of the other person. If you had looked proud or thought to be aloof, it will immediately disappear. Creating negative notions about the next person is a popular human pastime, you successfully shooting down one negative notion could give you a direct pass in the person’s book of evils to hate in the next person.

Avoid Intruding Into The Person’s Space While Still Doing What We Have Already Mentioned

We all have boundaries we do not want an uninvited guest to cross. Do not go into the person’s space. The fact that you have been proactive towards the person would have his or her radar sensor up anytime you are around. They may not be looking for friends in the workplace this early i.e. if they will ever be interested in looking for friends at all. Therefore, you have to be careful in making sure you stay away and allow yourself to be observed from far. Do not encroach or show in any way that you have peed around the person (marking him or her as your territory). The objective is to kill peer-to-peer conflict before it starts and not to actively instigate conflict.

On the other hand, make sure you do not turn him or her down if they approach. Do not give of a roar warning them off your space if they presume to encroach it. you are being the ultimate colleague, ready to do your bit to get someone nicely settled. It is important that negatives like the word no is not used on your part to a request from the person.

Point Out An Inconsequential Error In Private

Point out an inconsequential error in private even when the person would not have given it a second though if you had done it in the presence of others. This will give you off as being sensitive and careful over other people’s feelings. This is a good thing and you would have scored valuable conflict prevention points.

In conclusion, be conscious of not monopolizing the person or expecting the person to behave in a certain manner towards you. You have successfully achieved your goal of being placed in a drawer or than foe and psycho. Stay away and enjoy your moment. Only come close when you are invited by the person or when you want to make inquiries about the person’s well-being before moving along.

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