Another area that work place conflicts can cause great harm to a business is when there is a perception that the method of conflict resolution is far from being fair. The appearance of evil can be worst that the reality of evil and this holds true when resolving issues related with workplace conflict.
- It can create divisions in a group
- People taking sides turns the focus away from productive issues
- It becomes a source of conflict escalation
It is therefore imperative that any workplace resolution methodology must open to all and seen to be fair. Resolving issues in such a manner that interested parties who are not directly involved can reason out how some conclusions were made could spawn several more issues not related to the issue resolved.
The members of the workplace environment must be able to understand the reason behind every resolution. It may be a matter of individual opinion for them to agree or disagree with the conclusions but the path to that conclusion must be open for judgment.
Establishing an open format that explains how conflict would be resolved will go a long way into dealing with the fallouts of conflict resolution. This is because the fallout of conflict resolution may create a new conflict when it is not seen to be open. Now where the members of a workplace environment are not aware of the format for coming to such conclusions, they will only have the option of believing that double standards exist. However, such a notion will be eliminated if they are aware of the format because they would be able to correctly anticipate the judgment.
Benefit 1: Creates a Sense of Conflict Resolution Participation
The members of that workplace would feel included as the resolution methodology devised primarily deals with them. Creating a sense of resolution participation is another way of quickly resolving the conflict.
Benefit 2: Builds Confidence in the System
Building conflict in the system allows co-workers to trust whatever comes out of that system. This could help them to come forward whenever an issue comes up and not allow it to stew or seek other external means of redress, which could be detrimental to the company. Confidence in the conflict resolution methodology of a company moves the company forward in the right way.
Benefit 3: Eliminates the Perception of Double Standards
The system is in the open. Everybody knows the process involved in resolving the conflict. This open system may also give details about which way a conflict would go if certain issues were brought before it. hence, they get to have a ready idea of what might happen and in all this; the perception of double standards would have been eliminated.
Benefit 4: The Focus Places the Company in a Positive Light
The business is seen in a positive light by workers and the workplace environment is all the better for it. moreover, the workers would not allow other conflicts that arise between workers to distract them or the team because they know there is a trusted system in place to deal with it.
Benefit 5: The Company Gets to Have their Workers Do What they are Paid for
The workers get back to the job of being productive in the right way. The team has acknowledged that conflict will happen and have openly stated but there is a trusted way of resolving conflicts.
Benefit 6: Invites Positive Participation
Establishing a generally known workplace conflict resolution format invites positive participation on the part of the workers. Negative participation will bring the house crashing down but it could be traced to a sense of unfairness, which could be attributed to lack of openness in the first place. Positive participation builds the company up. Both positive and negative participation may be passive or active. However, just as negative participation eats at the heart of the company, positive participation nourishes it. The management would want to do all that is in their power to avoid negative participation especially of the passive kind since it is not in the open (unlike active participation). The unit may effectively grind to a halt when this occurs.
Positive participation should be actively encouraged because of its immense benefits to the organization. The company is happy when the workers are happy.
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