While some successful entrepreneurs claim that they climb the ladder of success all on their own, it is not possible to achieve anything tangible in the business world 'all on your own.' At one point or another in your quest to be a successful investor, you will need the help of other people to grow. Even if you have the money sometimes to buy the services needed, you will come to realize that money alone is not enough.
Individuals and Corporations the world over have come to see that the need for networking in growing their businesses is not dispensable. It is especially required on the part of starters who required referrals because the first set of clients may not be willing to deal with them because of lack of trust.
Whether your business is new, or old, every business person needs to network in order for his business to grow. The following are the networking opportunities available to a business person and how you can maximize them to make your business grow:
Task Your Family
The family is the starting point for many fledgling investors. They are likely the ones you hatch your business ideas to. Sometimes they give you the idea even if you do not think about it. When the business eventually picks up, it is your family that gives you the needed link to someone who will patronize you. before such patronage is established, your family members may take it upon themselves to buy your products even if they do not have the immediate need for it.
When the business seems relatively stable, they also give you link to others who will eventually buy as neutral customers. Even if they do not directly know such ones, they can link you to someone who knows someone. Depending on the size of your family, it is wise to utilize the opportunity you have and ask and task them to give you that needed link. If your parents and siblings cant help, it may be difficult to get referral from others who are not related to you.
Get Referrals From Friends
Immediately outside your family members are friends who are like your relatives. Depending on your definition of friends, whether they are old or new, whether they are acquaintances or blossom friends, you can be helped to gain the needed connection if you approach them. You friends can be trusted as referees more than your relatives because they do not bear the same surname as yours. At the same time, they will only refer you after they have ensured that you have put in your best to get something qualitative enough.
While some friends who are connected may not be inclined to offer their helping hand, persistence on your part may make them bulge eventually. So persist, even to the point of irritation. After all, they are your friends and you need them to get your business going.
Don't Overlook Religious Groups
If you are the religious type, you will agree that the brotherhood and bonding that religion can give is sometimes stronger than what your friends or family may offer. This should be an opportunity for you to leverage on your fellowship and move them to get the reference for you.
It does not matter the type of religion you are practicing, whether it is Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, or any other one for that matter, walk up to your religious leaders, tell them about your ideas, inform them of the challenges you are going through, ask if they know of any who will be willing to offer helping hand and plead with them to link you up. You have no reason to shy away from them. If you have put in your best in providing a product or service that is okay, they will be willing to help.
Talk to Your Colleagues
You were doing something before you venture into this business. Whether it is old or new, there are people whose professional paths have crossed yours before. It is therefore important that you seek the help of such ones in establishing and growing your business. The positive side to this is that they were aware of your strengths and weaknesses because they have worked with you in the past.
They knew your potentials when you were working as a paid employee in their organization. Presently, when you inform them that you can get something done, they are likely to believe you and give you the needed support because they have seen you done something. Their judgement call will be more reliable as they appraise you from a professional perspective. This is unlike what is obtainable with your family, friends and religious persons who have the tendency to be emotionally biased.
Unwind and Grow Your Business with Social Groups
Most likely, one social event or the other will come up in your neighborhood or outside it. When invited, endevour to attend and make new friends. Do not be afraid to do this as you do not know which one will yield positive result. Depending on the occasions, it is important you appear neatly dressed as you will be giving a first impression that will last forever. When striking up a conversation with a stranger, it is advisable that you greet the person with a smile and be courteous in doing so. Do not start such conversation discussing your business. Commence with the event that brought the two of you here, after you have done formal introductions.
While it is possible you inform him of what you do after asking him of what he does secularly, you may not need to discuss your plight in seeking connections during this first meeting. Instead, exchange contact details and seek for opportunity to talk sometimes later. Occasions and events are not the only opportunity you have to make friends, you can also strike conversations at the local bar if you are the drinking type. Cafe and restaurants are also opportunities for you to start a conversation and get the needed link.
Take Advantage of Social Media
Perhaps, this is one of the most efficient means to network and inform the world about your business. Social media gives you the advantage of meeting people that you have never met in person. It is a cheap way to advertise the products or services you are offering to the world. Many people have been able to convince total strangers to become their friends and even their business partners because they took the initiative of socializing on a particular social network.
Interestingly, social media are on in the increase in the world today. Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Linked-In, Instagram, and many more that people are still conceiving. Take advantage of these platforms and tell the world about your self, but also about your businesses and services, you will be surprised at the positive return these sites can yield.
Join Business Clubs and Associations
Whatever business you are venturing into, it is nothing new. While you may be getting into this business with ideas and innovations that others have not really delved into, what you are currently starting is not totally new. To that end, it is okay if you join clubs and associations of professionals who are already doing your type of business. Sometimes, you pay exorbitantly to join such association, it is okay if you make the sacrifice now as it is certain that you will reap the rewards later. Some members of this association have walked the business terrain for decades such that they understand a lot about the business. These ones do not only know how to thread on the business field, they know the right link to get the right connections. Professional associations may be all that you need to make your major break in the business world, do not hesitate in joining them.
Have a Properly Designed Business Card
As you meet with people on a daily basis while seeking network that will make your business grow, the importance of a professional business card cannot be overemphasized. When you meet and talk to people, you cannot leave by just exchanging phone numbers. The number alone cannot detail what you do and give your office address. The business card can do just that. As you design your business card, ensure that it is professional enough to give your business an outlook of seriousness. Do not let it be too wordy and crowded with graphics, make sure there is enough white space so that your name, business offers and address will stand out.
Be Balanced
It is good to network and grow your business, but do not forget that networking is not the business itself. Use it wisely and generously at the beginning of your business, but do not let it distract you from monitoring the business itself. It will be disappointing to your new customers that you are not available when your attention is needed in your office. In the meantime, seize every opportunity available to you to meet new people, they may be the ones giving life to your business. Do not take it lightly, do not procrastinate in meeting the right people networking works!
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