How To Improve On Your Talking Skills

There are people who do not know how to talk. This is something that can be remedied without much sweat.

Why You Need To Work On Your Oral Skills

Your Current Job Could Be Dependent On This

We should start from where it would hurt the most. Bad oral skills could be the fastest lane to the jobless market. Anyone that does not know how to talk would know how to offend and how to misinform and that may do this without being conscious of it, which make it worse. If they were conscious of what they were doing, it would imply some degree of intelligence, even when it would be self-destructive but when it is done without being conscious of it implies that the situation is indeed critical.

They offend because they do not know what, when, where and how to say things as well as who to say whatever they want to have said. They misinform because what they say can be easily misinterpreted to mean something else.

You Would Be A Litmus Test To The Other Half In Your Relationships

Relationships should make you more tolerant. It should make you more understanding. It should make you willing to go the extra mile for the next person. It should make you become a diplomat trying to calm the ruffled nerves of others that are bristling at your partner. There are so many things relationships are meant to provide and you will be putting your partner through all of it if you have bad oral skills.

You Will Not Be Helping Yourself

It is easier to get angry at ourselves that at others. There may be not stats to refer to but it (seems) like we get angry at ourselves more often that we do at other. We are the most impatient when it comes to tolerating ourselves. Whereas we might give the next person the benefit of the doubt or a second chance (after all; he or she is not as perfect as us), we do not give ourselves a breathing room for a second chance. We can come down so hard on ourselves that the next person will have nothing to do with us if they can hear a bit of the mouthful we throw at ourselves. This may be because we are free to be ourselves with ourselves. Hence, it is very easy to hate and cuss or be unforgiving to ourselves because there is no other presence there to shame us as it were for being so mean. This sum of this is that we will be giving ourselves weapons to destroy ourselves when we see how we consistently destroy things with our words.

You may not be able to solve the problem with the wave of a magic wand but we can develop our oratory skills.

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Not Knowing How To Talk

This has to do with saying the wrong thing and it is a function of content and environment.


What to say is content. the content has to be linked to the environment it to be either wrong or right. You must learn how to measure your content by measuring the environment. We will get back to this but I will have to touch on environment since you will be hearing a lot of it.


Environment has to do with the who, when and where. The who is the person involved. The when can have the who but not necessarily and it has to do with timing. The where can involve the who and the when but not necessarily and it has to do with the location. Let us stop here. We will get back to it when we look at the function.

The function

The function has to do with the how. The how is the key to your door of success. It is the most important the item that marries the others together in a union that could either destroy or build.

The Perfect Brew: Content + Function + Environment

When they are properly mixed, what you get is a perfect blend that will rival anything from Germany. You content has to be measured with respect to the environment and that can only be done by perfectly situating the function. It is not just about knowing what you want to say, when you what to say it, where you want to say it but how you have to say it.

This may sound a bit confusing. If the where is not right, do not say it. If the who is not alright, do not say it. if the when is not right, do not say it. The how can work if any one of that is just right.

You contribution can light a bulb. What do you have to say?

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