How To Maximize Sponsored Articles For Your Site

A sponsored article is a tool of website monetization. Individuals and businesses can post sponsored articles on platforms they feel will give them the right kind of exposure. They pay to have such article posted on the platforms.

As a platform owner, what you charge will depend on one or a combination of the factors below.

The Value You Place On Your Platform

This may just be what you decide to charge and it could be very different from what the data or traffic to your website suggests. There are several reasons why you may charge far more than what your traffic would want to suggest.

The Demand For A Limited Space Is High


If the demand of the available space is high, you can increase your charge. This will serve to whittle down the number of people that are looking to post. However, you will have to look at this carefully. You do not want a price that will only leave a few people on queue. You would want something that will still have people queuing up to post on your platform.

Want To Maintain Quality

A high charge could also have an impact on the quality of the post but in a positive sense. There are sites that are known to charge thousands of dollars for sponsored posts. The posts would naturally be of very high standards.

The Reach Of Your Platform

This is a kind of charge that may be closely tied to what data about your site is reading. However, this may not be the case in its entirety because your reach could also refer to a segment of the society that the people looking to setup the sponsored posts. For instance, your platform may be known to have great reach with senior executives, this could influence the cost of posting on your site in a positive way i.e. as far as you are concerned.

You do not have to reach millions of people if your niche is one that is highly sort after and people are willing to pay premium price to connect to through your platform. this could make the amount they pay on the high side and none of them would complain.

The Degree Of Interactivity That Happens On Your Platform

Platforms where there is active engagement by visitors could serve to boost what sponsored posters will pay. They want to tap into that engagement and might be willing to pay good money for it. this will depend on the structure of your platform but most people who are looking to place sponsored posts on your website would have already done their background checks.


What The Other Party Feel Your Platform Is Worth To Them

Some posters might want to have some kind of special bargain with them especially when they have a proposal that is different what you normally allow. For instance, you might be looking at what each post would cost and someone might come up with a proposal for a series. They might decide to offer you more than you imagine or look to have a bargain price from you for the “business” they are bringing to you.

Maximizing sponsored articles on your platform goes beyond having them pay good money for posting, you should also look at the area of the content.

Do Not Give Them Free Rein Over The Content

You should be clear on the standard of the content you want to on your platform. They should not expect to have an anything goes type of article on your website that is not consistent with the format and type of articles on your website. For instance, if your platform only has How To articles, sponsored posts should also be in the same mold.

This would allow for content consistency and enhance the style and image of the website.

Your Guidelines Should Be Clear

Create guidelines on how the articles should be like in terms of quality of content, nature of content, article structure, type and length of article. There are sponsored articles that are written not by the individuals but the website owners. That is, they do not only pay for the content to be posted on your platform, they pay you to write it for them. You may have it as a rule that the articles would be written on their behalf but this should be what you know you can do.

You instruction with regard to content may include a warning not to have an article filled with heavy self- promo. Make them provide core information with regards to their industry and nuggets of information that they know will be beneficial to your readers.

Self-promo may not be consistent with the articles on your website. However, giving the readers real tips and trick or things they were unaware of will make them produce quality articles that would be consistent with your ideals. Insist that their posts must deliver information and content that underscores their expertise. Show them how this will end up serving theme better as they provide valuable information that reader will cherish. It will also serve to boost the image of your website.

Advantages Of Applying These To Maximize Your Sponsored Articles

It saves you platform from looking like a billboard. Allowing them to have free rein over content might make them to become too heavy on promos in their content and this could end up hurting your platform more than anything else hurts.

Your website will still be consistent in delivering quality. This will be important for the future of your platform. Both your posts and sponsored posts will have the same quality.

This will serve to attract the right kind of companies and individuals for your website, as only those that are willing to follow your standards will apply to have a sponsored post.
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