Web content monetization is usually something that most website and content owners look forward to implementing. It is important that they make sure everything is in order before they set it up. A pre-monetization checklist should be in order.
Do Not Rush
Do not rush into content monetization. Rushing implies you did not do several things.
- It implies you might not be ready for monetizing.
- It implies you are only doing what you see people doing without considering what is best for you and your platform.
- It implies that it is the sole purpose of setting up your online platform and that you are ready to sacrifice quality content for money.
Rushing into monetizing your website can make you stumble along the way. You might get to discover better means of monetization or companies that provide better services than the ones you are using and switching to them might be too cumbersome or cost you a lot more than you are ready to bear for the moment.
Determine A Niche
This is actually, what you should do before setting up your website. It is relevant to a pre-monetization checklist because it implies that you should be thinking of monetization at the stage of setting up your website. Laying out your plan before the building stage and looking at each component, which would include monetization will give you the ability to build something that is very solid from the ground up.
Your niche will also give you solid clues on the best methods of monetization you can adopt for your platform. There are numerous ways you can monetize your website but it will not make sense to use everything that your way. You will have to select the ones you plan to use. Another thing is that you will have to make sure they complement each other. For instance, you may decide to combine Google Adsense with placing direct ads on your website. That of Google might take time before it starts generating meaningful revenue for you but the direct ads can start making money almost immediately. The direct ad will therefore fill in the void until revenue from Google picks up.
Determine A Strategy
Part of your pre-monetization checklist should be for you to determine a strategy for your website. The strategy for your website goes beyond monetization but it will determine the kind of you would be adopting for your platform. in fact your strategy may mean you would have to adopt different methods of monetization at different stages of growth.
You might already know where you are growing and how you are going to expand your website. This is in fact part of the strategy and knowing this will determine what you will do at each stage of growth or expansion. A strategy works for everything because it is about taking your platform to the highest level you have imagined for it. it is a plan that might include other platforms you will bring onboard as you reach certain benchmarks.
It will be a great mistake to rush into monetization because it implies that you do not look far ahead enough to know what you should be doing and when to do them. Planning everything from the word go will keep you alert on the things that are supposed to act as milestones for the next stage of growth and the implementation of already pre-planned ideas.
Plan The Stages Of Implementation And Leave Room For More
You might want to start with one or two and add some more later as you discard others. There are many types of monetization and they will keep on expanding. It is important that you are flexible enough to respond to new and exciting ways of monetizing your platform. Your platform should be such that you can test methods and see how they fare with what you are doing.
Take Time To Research
Planning will not be possible without research. Researching the ways, the different ways monetization will work with your platform will help you to take well-informed decisions. However, research should not stop after you have implemented them. It is important you continue researching since there would be more monetization methods coming up.
Running a pre-monetization checklist also includes
- Knowing what each method will add to your platform and bottom line
- Knowing if they will complement or clash with others
- Knowing if you could discontinue them at a future date and you will not have to do any major work on your website.
They are simple procedures you can adopt with any online platform you are looking to set up. Planning before going into monetization also means you will not be caught napping by any new development.
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