How To Start An Online Store

The internet has been described as the best place for individuals and corporate bodies to do business transactions  successfully. This concept has been applied in different kinds of business sectors across border. Not leaving behind the small and medium scale entrepreneurs, who are willing to start little in their capacity and wax stronger soonest. Starting an online store is a good business that cannot be ignored by  store owners who stock goods and want to meet their target customers anywhere in the world.

Starting an online store is not that difficult when you have a product to market. You only need a registered domain name, a unique selling proposition (USP)/niche, a good warehouse or outsourcing for goods, and all it takes to promote and market your website. Your buyers are key in this type of business but using  google AdSense and other social media sites will get you noticed as quickly as possible in your target market.

However, the following will guide you through what it takes to open an online store.

Create A Business Plan On What To Sell

You must create a business plan for your online store so as to be sure of the requirements and the feasibility study on the market opportunities in the business. So far, many online store owners have been able to give testimonies on their progress in the business. research about the business and understand the pros and cons, and weigh it before jumping into it. Perhaps you've already got an idea of the type of products you want to sell online, but you must also have it in mind that, there are specific products that interest your online goods buyers.

Have it in mind that before you can make a huge profit in your online store, you must apply the right concept and design a creative website (community) for them. Most of the daily needs of your Customers might be, Shirts, Shoes, Gadgets (phones, computers, modems,) etc. What are the modes of operation? Are the goods going to be imported or manufactured in your home country? If shipped, how many products are you ordering from abroad? And if its local, what is the size of your warehouse and what are the qualities of such product? These are the questions you need to ask yourself as an online business manager, which will be included in your business proposal.

Have A Niche And USP

Your product must be able to meet the needs of your customers in other countries. Having a specific niche will help you to create an atmosphere of meeting your clients demands. Know what people are looking for and give it to them professionally. Your type of service delivery will determine your customer base.

Your unique selling point must also be believable, reasonable and tangible. Your customers are looking for things that will 'WOW' their imagination, but at the same time, be original and don't use gimmicks on your customers. And as a matter of fact, you must offer a friendly purchasing pattern in your price list. This will make your customers stick with you. Your website must be easily accessible, fun to navigate through, and friendly designed.

Register Your Business And Your Domain Name

Registering your business name is expedient before starting. This is a public business, weather you like it or not, what you are selling will broadcast you. You must make sure you register with the relevant authority in your country before starting the business. The authorities can make the business uncomfortable for you if you refused to get the required papers for it.

When you are done registering with local authorities, you need to choose a brand name that will suit that type of business and appeal to your online target customers who are probably watching and are willing to patronize you. Your name must be very short and easy to memorize. You can choose names like, e-chop, e-price, e-mart, or you could even use your name for it. It all depends on how creative you are.

The next is to register your domain name on the internet. This will make you secure a full time web presence to reach your target customers. Choosing and registering a unique domain name will not only make you visible online, but it will help you reach your target audience. You web designer must help design your web in such a way that it will be a very attractive, persuasive, and appealing to you and those who will go there to purchase goods. You must know that, this area takes the vital part of opening and operating an online store.

Get A warehouse And Show Room

Your warehouse is also very important. It is where you house all the goods ordered from abroad or from your local manufacturing firm. The goods stored in the warehouse must also be available in the showroom (online and office location). You showroom must be able to portray or display the products that are available in your online store in case of inspection and make believe.

Promote Your Online Store

You must also understand that the backbone of every business is the amount of awareness created about it. You must be able to promote your online store through the same web. Your target customers are online and as such, you must be able to reach them through the right platform or media. The best media to reach your online target market is social media,  facebook, twitter, google+, youtube, linkedin, and so on will help your customers locate your store online. You have to do this by copying your site links and placing it into those social media pages, through friends, families and associates. You can advertise through Google adsense. Such online and new businesses need proper introduction to the market before it can start selling. Make your online store known.

Blogging is another area you can get customers. You will do that by creating a special blog  website telling people about your products, brand , vision, and mission statements. You can also leave a feedback page inside the blog post. This will make prospective customer order and also give relevant comments that will help the business.

Lastly, Advertise your product in the newspapers and magazines. A lot of retired and top class elites read them and these are the type of people that really sit at home and order from your website. Subsequently, you can take your online store to the broadcast media.

Remember Before And After Sales Service

Your customer service agents must be available for calls at all time. The bane of running an online store is customer relations and this article will not be complete without talking about customer service agents/representatives. Before a customer can reach a level of being convinced to buy a product online, your customer representative must be able to reach the heart of the customer and win him.

It doesn't stop there, the customer representative must be able to follow the customer until the goods ordered are delivered to his door step. After you have delivered the product, don't forget to call the customer again and ask maybe the product delivery was prompt and done without any grouse. Don't also forget to say thank you to him. This way, the customer will know that you love him and you have him at heart.

Remember that your price tag must be fixed and there shouldn't be hidden charges that will scare your customers away. Price is your final appeal to get your customers and convincing them to buy your products displayed in your online store. Price will also give you an edge over competitors apart from having a USP.
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  1. Nice article. but yo did not mention anything about payment process and if we would have to open a bank account for the business.

  2. We develop online store with online payment option like online Nigeria payment gateway: GTbank, Webpay, Voguepay. Optional paypay gateway too. contact me at: mokingsdesigner(at)


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