The more reason why a lot of people drop out of school is because they can not afford it financially. But, Working and learning will give a student the opportunity to earn a living while studying. It will help the student to be responsible and to bear the cost of tuition fees, handouts and textbooks, school projects and assignments conveniently. Without having to depend on other people for assistance. Working and learning is the best option for people who already have their first degree and are looking to get their masters degree(MSA) and doctorate degree(Ph'D). It is a platform for them to use the knowledge and experiences they already have in working while learning new things.
Just as working and learning has its benefits, it also has areas in which it poses some problems. But, when you know what to do, how to handle the unpleasant events that may occur because of working and studying and how to balance these occurrences, you can be sure to be successful in your endeavor.
Deciding to work and study can be one of the best decisions you will ever make. Although, it is a difficult and stressful engagement. But, at the end of the day, it will be a thing of joy to have gone through it, and to finish successfully. Yet, you will need to take the following steps, if you want to record success at the end of your journey of learning while working;
Set Goals
Every achievement starts with a thought. The thought eventually becomes a goal which can be achieved with proper planning, dedication and hard work. Before you engage yourself in learning while working, you need to set a target for yourself. This means you must know what you want and how you want to get it from the onset. Set short-term goals in your study and reward yourself when you attain the goal. You can set to finish a particular course of study within a defined time. When you have achieved the goal, you can give yourself time off study for a little while as a reward for your hard work or you can buy yourself something special.
Find Quiet And Isolated Place For Your Studies
You need to avoid distractions when you study. You can dedicate a room and use it as your personal study. Such a place should not have home gadgets like television, radio and the likes. If possible, when you study, switch off your phone. But make sure you are not easily distracted while you study.
Have A Time Table
Effective time management is very essential if you want to work and study. You need to map out the time for study (it could be daily or weekly) making sure that it does not coincide or obstruct your other important obligations to family members, friends and other activities. March the times for study with the subject you want to study and make sure you stick to the time table.
Keep In Touch With Your Coursemates
You need to stay in contact with your course mates. This will serve as a form of motivation for you. You can dedicate a particular time for group study. It will be an opportunity for you to discuss with your course mates. Get to know their own ideas or perspective about a particular subject of study. You can also join an online study group chat. It could be general or restricted to your institution. There you can meet with people with different ideologies. You can ask questions and be sure to get answers from various people with different ideas. This will also help to broaden your knowledge as you work and learn.
Don't Give Up
You must be passionate about what you do. There may be days when you are all stressed up and you feel like giving up, just keep going. Find something to encourage yourself with. At times like this, you should remember your goals. Have a clear picture of it and always be optimistic. You can give yourself a break once in a while. Hang out with friends or spend time with family members. Give yourself a treat. All work and no play, they say, makes jack a dull boy. After the break, you can then channel your energy back into your work and study routine with enthusiasm.
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