Monetization Strategies For Your Platform: Providing Ad Info On Site

There are different types of monetization strategies that can be adopted by any platform. We want to look at one that could suit your website and complement the other means of monetization that are already in place. Providing ad info on your website is a means of making people know that it is available for direct ad placement.

Who Is It For?

It is basically for people who are interested in advertising on your platform. It is a very convenient way of getting the necessary information across to them. There are website owners that do not seem to consider that advertisers might want to contact them directly. They do not prepare for such and what the advertisers usually do is to go through the rather long process of using the contact page to make inquiries.

It is a long process that can discourage advertisers from starting off in the first place. Moreover, the lack of such a page seems to suggest that the website owner is ill prepared to handle direct advertising. This may be far from the truth but it is still a presumption that has a degree of justification. If the website owner had had the capability then he or she would have set up the platform in such a way that it would be easy for people to get all the necessary information.

Going through the contact page and the ensuing back and forth activities would make them come off as if direct ad placement was an afterthought. They come to look like they are being forced to do it. Anyone that allows direct ads on their platform should make it convenient for people to be able to access the information. It does not give the right signal if they have to go through a long process before getting the required information.

It makes for efficiency as they go to a static page on your website and get all the necessary information. Now you may not to put the price for one reason or the other but you can still post other necessary information like the type of ads, the kind of content you would allow and any other information that would be useful to them. You can then give them a means of contacting you if they want to know the actual rates.

Will Such A Page Disturb Your Content?

It is a dedicated page. There is no way it would disturb your content. If you can have a 'privacy policy' page and an 'about me' page, it should not be too much work on your part to add an 'advertise with us' page. Besides this is one page that is dedicated for revenue generation i.e. it brings in income for your platform. Most of the people who will click on it will be those that are interested in advertising on your platform. People looking for the main content of your website will simply go where they will find it.

As a static page on your website, you only have to edit or add content to it when you want to review your rates. It gives you less extra work to keep update, yet it keeps you busy in a positive way as you get to deal with advertisers that get in touch with you through that page.

Anybody that allows direct ads on their site should seriously consider adding this page to their website because what it does for them is quite obvious. As for those who have not thought of direct ads as a form of monetization, this might be the right time for them to place it under consideration. Their website might have all it takes to make it a viable stream of income. An indicator of the readiness of your website for direct ad placement is if you are already doing well with ads being served by online agencies such as Google Adsense.

If you are doing well with such agencies, then you will most likely do well with direct placement because they are basically based on the same indices for success. In fact, you will do better with direct ads if you are already doing well with such agencies because you do not have to share the ad dollars that comes to you.

Another consideration for setting up a direct ads framework is that you do not have to be doing well with such online ad serving companies to have a successful direct ads system. For instance, your website may serve a particular community or niche and be doing well in that niche. You can directly contact businesses that would be interested in that community and niche and you will start placing direct ads on your website.

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