The scope is so wide that different dynamics come into play. The more people that are involved in the team draw up such a plan, the more dynamics come it gets. It is important that you set it up in such a manner that the objective of drawing up a winning business proposal is not derailed. Now, how do you go about doing this in the best possible ways?
Organizational Structure
An organizational structure for the human element involved in putting the business proposal together will save you a lot of time. It is a seamless way of fulfilling a given task. There are various types of organization structures but everything depends on the number of people that will be involved. It is already a project on its own right so the organizational structure should reflect this.- It should reflect the structure of authority.
- It should reflect the workflow where each group or segment knows who or what group to forward what they have done.
- It should have internal check and balances where every aspect would be vetted quickly so that issues would not pile up.
There are different aspects of drawing up a business proposal. Whereas a smaller business proposal might entail giving a page or two for each segment of the proposal, a big budget proposal might mean that such segments will be given tens of pages in the actual proposal, and hundreds in supporting documents.In line with this, the team would have to be divided into groups that will deal with each segment. Segmentation also allows for the deployment of expertise in corresponding areas. They will of course be given guidelines that are in line with the overall objectives of drawing up a winning big budget proposal.
The beauty of segmentation means that things can work seamlessly. As each segment forwards their input, those who receive it get to pick what they will include in the main proposal and that which they will place in supporting documents.
Coordination is part of setting up an organizational structure, yet, it is different because you will need a coordinator to make sure all the parts are running smoothly. He will be there to address issues that crop up, that were not thought of, and just to make sure that everyone is doing his bit to keep the work going.The final product is something that should be guided by the overall objective of the proposal with respect to the arrowhead we mentioned earlier. We have already mentioned that not everything will go into the main document as some might be better in supporting documents.
At this level, research is critical. Researching the company and what they want as well as researching how you will provide what you want to provide could make all the difference between you and the competition. Research can give you valuable information that could set you apart from the competition. It will also help you know the area you should focus and tell a compelling story.Tips to Presentation
Presenting a big budget proposal or making a defense is as critical as every other aspect if not more. A properly planned presentation can make all the difference. When there are no specific rules, it should incorporate visual, oral as well as the written aspects of the proposal.Using multiple means to make the presentation reinforces your proposal. Only make sure that your visual presentations and indeed all aspects of your presentation has the hallmark of professionalism.
Consider The Use Of Different Presenters
Complex proposals may need people with different expertise to handle specialized segments. Using different presenters could help reinforce some core values about your proposal.- It shows that your team is versatile
- It shows that you have the capability to handle the project
- The variety keeps those you are making the presentation to focused
- You grab their attention in a more lasting manner
- You have experts that can handle different aspects especially when it comes to questions that might be raised
Big budget proposals can be complex, but the whole idea of getting a number of people involved is not to make it more complex as such but to simplify it. Simplifying it gives you the chance to stay true to the original purpose of every form of proposal, which is to tell a compelling story that is designed to get you the job. Keep in mind that the other party is looking for those that could meet their core need, which may not necessarily be visible; hence, drawing up a winning big budget proposal is something that is designed to meet that need.
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