Products and services are meant to produce satisfaction. We want to look at how you can be guaranteed that you will always deliver on satisfaction and have repeat customers. We want to look at what I call over-delivery.
Law 1: Every Service or Product can Under-deliver
This will naturally make people go after you and some could go as far as opening up hate websites directed solely at you, your company or product. You do not want to under-deliver because this always backfires and that is the only sure thing that can happen whenever you under-deliver. Do not say my product or service will do XYZ and it ends up doing X & Y. This is the stuff class action lawsuits are made of and you would want to avoid it.
Over-Hyping Translates to Under-delivery
It is still amazing that some businesses deliberately set out to over-hype their products. The beauty/cosmetics/wellness industry seems guilty of this, as people have been de-sensitized not to take them seriously. But on a serious note, there has to be a clear ethical line that you should not cross when it comes to selling your product or service.
Now even if you do not get a class action lawsuit, over-hyping can effectively kill the momentum of your product or service at best. Consumers would naturally want to go elsewhere and try something new because they have seen that you did not deliver.
Law 2: Every Service or Product can Just-deliver
This is not bad but it is exceptional either. You have done what you said you would do. Where it would favor the product or service would be when what you said your product or service would do is enough for the consumer. Another time this would do for them would be when what you said your product would do is high enough in their estimation. In this case there is a higher chance of making repeat customers of them because they have found what they are looking for and are satisfied with it. Just-delivering gives either a muted so-so satisfaction or satisfaction.
Consistency can give a Just-delivered Product/service Great Mileage
You can go far with a just-delivered product. This is a fact and there are millions of product in that stratum. They have been just-delivering for decades and have become standardized walmartish part of the landscape.
Law 3: Every Product/Service can be Over-delivered
This is when people take up the job of talking about your product without charging you for the service. Over-delivery makes your product/service to stand out. You said you would deliver XYZ but you added the next letter after Z.
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The After Z letter
The after-z letter is still consistent with what your product is intended for but it goes a mile more on the quality, functionality, speed of delivery, scope, adds a month to the subscription plan for free, gives you two extra tires rather than one, gives you a surprise gift in the package with a personal note saying thank you for patronizing us, apparently goes beyond themselves to do what you have never had of in corporate America or anywhere else. The after-z letter is what will make life customers of a client because you took time to over-deliver on a product.
The Possibilities
Over-delivering strikes a deep chord in the consumer because they were not expecting it. It is not a promo, neither is it that time of the year, creating an after-z input to your product/service is the key to retiring early.
Anyone can over-deliver on the product and service he or she is providing. It is a matter of looking at what you are already delivering and researching on what will give it that wow factor and without prior announcement, add it to the product. You do not have to wait for that time of the year when prices are slashed and rather than do a product recall, add something to that product that will create a positive buzz just by word of mouth from the users (and of course twitter).
No Leaks
Make sure there are no press leaks or hints. Let your consumers discover it and allow the buzz to start from the grassroots. The purpose would be defeated if it comes out officially and another way to handle it is to say nothing even after it starts trending. Anyone can create a super product. All they have to do is over deliver.
Trick to Creating an After-Z Product
If your product can do XYZ, sell the fact it can do X keep mum on YZ. You have a super product.
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