Web Hosting Tutorial For Beginners

Web hosting services have gone a million miles above where it used to be. Over 250 million websites have been enabled through web hosting. The world of content marketing is inspiring more people to get along, and show the world whatever it is that should be seen. Here and there, businesses, governments, organizations, schools, etc, develop websites to enable world wide availability of their ideas, policies, products, goods and services.

The process of hosting web pages is influenced by this basic reasons-

  • Purpose of the website

  • Contents of the website

  • Functions of the website

However, the web hosting provider weighs his choices in developing a web page. The cost of small scale and personal websites are relatively cheap or could be free, depending on the protocol used. Some web hosting service providers use file transfer protocol (FTP) to provide free hosting.

Hosting another web page may be more complex. For instance, hosting a website for eCommerce  may require more than FTP. Bigger databases, and  techniques may  be needed to accommodate varying functions. (E.g PHP). Specific  software may also be used to enable certain functions on a webpage. Knowing the purpose of your website and having a content plan will help you to make  a good hosting choice.

Hosting choices

Varying types of hosting services provides alternatives, hosting and management rights, etc. Here are are some choices you may want to consider when choosing a hosting service provider.

Free web hosting

Many internet services providers (ISPs) give free web hosting to their clients and  interested persons. NOTE: Free web platforms don't always give all that matters, the websites are usually limited in functions. In case you want to try, here is a link  free web hosting.

Shared web hosting

It simply means that many websites share a single server. However, updates on this platform are always subjected to inflexibility. If you want to try one, click here shared web hosting

Hosting reseller

It is a system of web hosting that gives owners of a website host control. It functions under various choices of hosting, especially for individual websites. To see how it works click here hosting reseller

Virtual private server

It's different from other servers because of its individual operating system (OS). The servers are demarcated to serve instances respectively, so that there would be no need of sharing. It also gives customers the benefit of using their (super user) account to access their operating system, and install programs.

Dedicated hosting

In this type of hosting, the client has his own server, but not really his own. However, he has full administrative control over it-programs update and maintenance.

Managed hosting

Here, servers are issued to clients without giving them administrative access, providers wish to maintain servers to avoid mismanagement and manipulation of programs.

Colocation hosting

 This type of hosting is like a rent, some data communication companies issue equipment, bandwidth, and needed infrastructure to customers. They will  have to negotiate, buy, or renew their plan.

Cloud hosting

The only hosting service that has distinguished itself in many ways has been "cloud hosting." Its sharing method has enabled the effectiveness, maximizing network resources to serve the needs of various subscribers. For instance, when a subscriber's network is falling, another sharer of the network (who is on full speed) will be subtracted from, to bring the failing one up to speed.  Utility thus enables it to bill users according to what they consume, not what they were allocated.

Clustered hosting

This is when multiple servers are set up  to enable effectiveness of  access, control, and resources. The platform will therefore have alternative servers to rely on in case one fails.

Home server services

This type of server  always run in private homes to enable some equipment, e.g computer internet. But new hosting technologies is gradually pushing it away. Unwillingness of service providers to respond to certain changes in protocol has also lowered the interest of those using it.
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  1. Mr. Samuel FTP is not an application but a protocol used by computer and internet technology/applications to Transfer files of any kind such as: text document, video, photo etc from one location to the other within a system and among several systems. You linked FTP to filezilla which is just a FTP client used to transfer files unto the web-server. FTP is a network protocol on its own just like HTTP/HTTPS, SSL, TCP/IP and other protocols in existence.
    Please amend the mistake for the sake of those who don't understand.

  2. Thanks Jide, the error has been corrected


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