Workplace Conflict
Workplace conflict is a situation that throws up an uncontrolled environment.Such conflicts may raise issues that are out of the control of the person that has implemented a time management plan. Such plans are meant to help you achieve set goals within a stipulated time. Some of the goals or means to achieving such goals may be in the hands of someone else.
This is how workplace conflict can create an uncontrolled environment for you, as you may not have a way of dealing with this and having that person do what they ought to do for you to make headway with your set goals. Your time management plan could end up badly.
Your Boss
Your boss is not under your control. Since he or she runs the show, it basically means your workplace environment is an uncontrolled area. That is, it is not exactly under your control. An uncontrolled area does not mean that there is a breakdown of law and order, but your boss can place a demand on you at anytime and what is required of your could scuttle your plans.This also applies to any area where there is an authority figure that has the power over whatever is going on in that environment and whoever is in the area. You can have a perfect time management plan to achieve set goals, but may never have the kind of environment where you can implement it without any outside interference of distraction.
Acts of God
These are things like natural disasters. They are disruptive when they occur and can cause your plan to go belly up. There is really nothing more to add about this area, when it happens, everything else becomes secondary.The fact behind the things we mentioned above is that you may not have the kind of control you think you have, even when you are your own boss. Anyone of the things above serves to create an uncontrolled environment.
However, we have just about struck off every area you can call a controlled environment, especially with the “act of God” scenario. This makes it a positive thing i.e. since there is no such thing as a perfectly controlled environment; it goes to show that time management is still viable in spite of the obstacles that stand against it.
Creating Workarounds
You may not have control over your environment, but you can workaround anything. For instance, if you have already identified a source of workplace conflict and you know you will be needing that person, you could read up how to resolve workplace conflict and handle that area so that it will not be part of the uncontrolled environment.As for the boss, you can factor him or her in the scheme of things and make room for their kind of interference. There may not be much you can do in this area, but it should not stop you from setting up a time management plan.
Make The Most Of What You Have
You still have a degree of control over areas that are basically out of your control. Make the most of what you have. Another thing is that most of these things can be out of the norm or be the exception rather than the norm. Your boss may not always interfere, you may not always be in the state of conflict and these so-called “acts of God” do not happen every day.This means you should go ahead and create the best time management plan, leaving room for what you can, but not pulling your hairs out over what you just cannot see coming. Besides, you might come to discover that you have more control over these issues than you thought, if you face them squarely because you might find a way out when it happens.
There has to be balance in your approach. Your time management plan is not the almighty formula. It is not something that stands sacrosanct against the world and it works to have this reality check in place. However, this does not mean that you should not have one, because it has its place and is quite an efficient way of organizing yourself.
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