How to Get Client For Event Planning Business

Are you an experienced event planner, yet there isn't much of a customer line-up to push your services? Don't worry you are not alone. What you need to do is to re- brand, re-think your approach. Marketing is about effective communication and the way you market yourself and your business. There are some basic steps to take before you can achieve this.

Event Decoration
Beautifully decorated event center | Photo credit: Team24

Position Yourself

Know your core marketing message. This is how you would like your business or brand to be perceived by potential and existing customers; your distinctive personality. It is basically the brand personality you want to develop. Once you determine this, you can surround your promotional activities to convey it effectively.

Define Your Target Audience

If you are an experience event planner and have done many events in the past, find your niche and then follow the dots to the audience that your specialty will click with and be ready to respond. There is a saying ''jack of all trades, master of none''. Avoid getting loose in generic space, be the expert, know your audience, and use messaging that will resonate with them.

Make a Good First Impression

Making a good first impression is vital to building relationship with other people. It is important to come across people in a positive manner. If you are meeting with a prospective clients, always dress well, speak fluently and avoid rambling on your words. Be courteous and be attentive, ask questions when its relevant.

Create Social Media Network

Create a social media page that discusses what your events look like by providing a profile of yourself and your business in details. Examples of such could be Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and so on. This brings awareness to friends, family or others giving them an idea about what you do, and they can call on you or make referral to your business.

Provide Your Clients With Options

When new prospects are visiting your website, they want to understand what they see, what you are struggling or need help with, and if you have the solution to their problems. Clients want to be sure they are in the right place by reviewing your offers and seeing that you have multiple offers for them. Then you will help communicate the results and benefits they can receive when working with you.

Refresh Existing Customers

Sometimes we get so focused on landing new customers that we forget about the existing assets sitting dormant in our contact list. Check your emails and get to those clients that you have in one way or the other transacted with in the past. 

Send email or call them asking about upcoming events you would love to handle and make reference to the ones you have handle in the past and what you willing to offer now. This set has a reminder for them to call on your service for their upcoming events.

Go Public

Even the most qualified Event planner will struggle to land new clients without live exposure. This include public participation at industry events and media appearances. You might think it's difficult to land a spot on a television or radio show, but often times it is as easy as submitting a great story to a producer. 

It is not an easy job to fill a show with content every single day, and if you can approach the right person with a unique angle then you will have no problem getting your foot to the door. Aim to become a resident expert on every event planning and you might even land spots on the airwaves!

Customer Services

One of the best ways to keep customers satisfied and coming back is to be constantly on the look out for new ideas and ways to improve the service you provide. Consider the following;

  • Take a course in event management

  • Attend other events to study how they are produced

  • Attend arts related function (e.g arts exhibits, theatrical performances) to gather ideas.

  • Invest in an hour or more with an industry consultant

  • Join trade organizations

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