How To Open Paypal Account In Nigeria (Practical Guide)

On Tuesday, June 17, 2014, PayPal deemed Nigerians fit to once again use its services. Even though the opportunity is limited, it allows Nigerians to make payments alone, not to receive. However, it is important that those who have online businesses requiring payment create PayPal Account that will effect such payment. Here is the process of creating PayPal account -

Open, you will see

PalPal Account in Nigeria

Choose your country- Nigeria, then make a choice from the Individual and Business account options, depending on what you want to do with your account- Individual account is recommended. Click open account, fill the form, from email to credit card details.

Note: Your password should be strong, a combination of upper and lower cases, even numbers and symbols.

The major problem a lot of people have in creating an account like this is Postal code. If you don't know your Postal code, just visit, type your state, town and street, the postal code will pop up. Fill the space and click on the "I Agree on terms and conditions" button.

You will be taken away from there to a new page, which is-

PalPal Account in Nigeria

Put the security characters into the space and click continue. You will be taken to another page which is-

PalPal Account in Nigeria

That's after you might have been charged about Returnable N200, depending on your bank and the type credit card you use.

Go to your account and make some changes from this Notifications Table-

PalPal Account in Nigeria

You will need to click on the third notification option since the rest were automatically executed. That will help you to retrieve your password in case you forget it due to rigid combination. This is how it will appear-

PalPal Account in Nigeria

Fill the spaces with more memorable options, save them, and your PayPal platform is securely available for use.

But note that you can  only send money with your PayPal account, you can't receive. A minimum of $250.00. That's because you are a Nigerian.

When you have done all these, wait for your confirmation email. Sometimes it comes as fast as you are filling all the requirements, other times it delays a bit. Whenever it comes, open your inbox and click on the "Activate my account link", it will take you to this page-

PalPal Account in Nigeria

Put your password and click login. Your name will appear: Samuel Nwite your account is active.
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