Important Business Etiquette in Your Organization

Many reasons were given why businesses fail all over the world. There are some small details that small business owners do not pay attention to and a huge cost they pay for their negligence. These small details are never overlooked by the big shots and real magnate in business, because they really understand what those details could cost them. 

Aside having adequate finance and qualified staffs, the company's ethics or etiquette are another thing to take into proper consideration because they matter a lot.

Business Etiquette

The etiquette of businesses have a lot to do in relegating or promoting the business. These include the collective efforts of all the staffs in an organization as a unit, and that of each individual in the organization. This boils down to the issue of how morally upright each individual is. Business etiquette is one of the numerous types of etiquette we have, it also varies from culture to culture, and country to country. 

Business Etiquette
Certain manners that must be avoided in business environment | NS
Etiquette is dependent on culture; what is excellent etiquette in one society may shock another. Business etiquette is about building relationships with other people. Etiquette is not about rules and regulations but about providing basic social comfort and creating an environment where others feel comfortable and secure, this is possible through better and effective communication.

How you present yourself to others in the business world speaks volumes about the organization you are representing and your personality as well. People often form first impressions about others within seconds of first meeting them, therefore, it is crucial to ensure you are properly prepared to present yourself as a professional.  This goes a very  long way and it matters a lot because you only have an opportunity to make the first impression. 

In our previous article on etiquette it is said that the first thing one needs to do is to develop a perfect internal etiquette (standards). Because what you have is what you will give all the time, thereby making you to be highly consistence in exhibiting standard morals.

Business etiquette encompasses a range of factors; verbal and non-verbal communication are a large part of etiquette; communication styles, preferred speaking distances vary by culture. Dress and appearance is another important facet of etiquette. Business people are expected to dress professionally, or at least to take cues from those around them as to what is acceptable. 

Time sensitivity is another element; some cultures place emphasis on punctuality, and others see punctuality as a sign of eagerness or even hastiness. It is essential you understand etiquette surrounding every business environment, and learn the customs and morals of any country you are visiting for business purpose.

Importance of Business Etiquette

Good business etiquette allows your business to put its best foot forward and can protect business owners and employees from internal and external conflicts by setting a high standard of behavior for all. An understanding of good business etiquette facilitates cross-cultural communication and trade in addition to increasing productivity in the workplace and it helps in maximizing the benefits of providing a commonly understood framework for regulating social and workplace interaction. 

A good working environment is fostered by good business etiquette. Professional behavior helps build strong relationships among management, staff and clients because proper etiquette entails honest and fair dealings with everyone. 

Taking business etiquette seriously in your organization will help prevent misunderstandings because proper etiquette requires everyone to interact professionally with one another and to communicate clearly and honestly. Fine business etiquette reflects confidence because the individual is seen as someone who is together and knows what to say and how to say it. With standard etiquette, you can create a lasting and perfect impression on people.

Etiquette Rules:


  • Stand straight, make eye contact, turn towards people when they are speaking, and genuinely smile at people.

  • Follow your office dress code, perhaps dressing a step above the norm for your office.

  • When meeting someone for the first time, be sure to shake hands palm to palm with a gentle firmness.

  • Arrive early to work each day.

  • Kindness and courtesy count.

  • Your briefcase or bag and the things you carry in them say something about you.

  • Be alert. Sleepiness looks bad in the workplace.


  • Keep the space professional and neat with appropriate personal touches - people will see the space and consider it a reflection of you.

  • Always respect others' space - don't walk into an office unannounced; knock or make your presence gently known.

  • Don't interrupt people on the phone, and don't try to communicate with them verbally or with sign language.

  • Limit personal calls, especially if you work in a space that lacks a door.

  • Learn when and where it is appropriate to use your cell phone in your office.


Verbal and Non-Verbal communication also matter in business world

  • Return phone calls and emails within 24 hours - even if only to say that you will provide requested information at a later date.

  • Ask before putting someone on speakerphone.

  • Personalize your voice mail - there's nothing worse than just hearing a phone number on someone's voice mail and not knowing if you are leaving a message with the correct person.

  • Emails at work should be grammatically correct and free of spelling errors - double check before hitting the send button.

  • When emailing, use the subject box, and make sure it directly relates to what you are writing. This ensures ease in finding it later and a potentially faster response.

  • Never say in an email anything you wouldn't say to someone's face.

  • Underlining, italicizing, emboldening, coloring, and changing font size can make a mild email message seem overly strong or aggressive.

  • Don't use abbreviations when mailing or interacting with people on social media, it is unprofessional.

  • Do not Capitalize all your words when sending a mail or interacting via social media - it indicates screaming (Netiquette or Digital etiquette learn more).


  • Always on time - being punctual shows others that you value their time. For a meeting, arrive 5 minutes earlier and for an interview, arrive 10 minutes earlier.

  • Don't make or receive phone calls during meeting - concentrate on meeting discussions.

  • Your phone should either be in silent mode or switched off during meetings.

  • No side distraction in a meeting - don't gossip or try to start a mini-discussion when a meeting is going on, whatever on your mind can wait till the meeting is over.

  • Give people time and space outside of meetings to reflect on issues that need to be dealt with.

  • Do not interrupt people while speaking - signify you have something to contribute by raising up your hand.

  • Say nothing if you have nothing important to contribute.

  • Mind your attire - always dress appropriately for a meeting.

  • If you must be absent at a meeting, inform the rightmost person and give your reasons.


  • It is a plus if you can learn the language of those you are doing business with - try to be very fluent when speaking the language, it creates a notion that you are really ready for business.

  • Be aware of time zones - you should know the difference between the time zone of your primary location and that of those you are dealing with.

  • Meals can be extremely crucial in making a positive international business etiquette impression. The customs that are followed when dining are often very important, and mistakes in this area could be costly. Knowing the etiquette well in advance should allow you to relax and enjoy what could be an amazing new experience.

  • Know the holidays that will be observed, and be respectful of the time surrounding the holidays, as people may be less available.

  • Highlight the religion diversity in the country.

  • Highlight business etiquette 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' involving Dress, Dinning, Meetings, Gifts, Clothing, Body Language, and Gestures.

  • Respect others people culture
It has been +Darlinton Omeh. Make sure you keep a date with my next article here on your place of business.

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