Linda Ikeji Scandals and Well Kept Secrets

It is no news that most of the stories going around about popular celebrities are scandals and a way for rumor mongers to make a name for themselves. Even as her blog is all about gossips, breaking news and so on, Linda Ikeji has also been a victim of rumors and scandals as well.

Linda Ikeji and Pat Utomi
Linda Ikeji and Pat Utomi at the White House, Washington
Sometime in 2013, Linda Ikeji was allegedly accused of blackmail by Pastor Chris Kwapkovwe, author of the daily devotional, Our daily manna, and senior pastor of our daily manna mountain prayer ministry. It was published on page 56 of the 22nd July edition of the devotional that a blogger and Facebook activist named Linda had been sending him text messages, threatening to work with other journalists all over the world to destroy his ministry if he (Pastor Chris) refused to pay a certain amount of money to her.

She rebutted the scandal on her blog a day after her name (not her full name though) was published on the devotional, assuring her fans and readers that she was not a blackmailer and that she got her money and fame through hard work.

2014 was no exception to the trend as it was rumored that her blog shutdown by Google, based on issues surrounding copyright infringement, was a frantic attempt by Linda and her friend (Aye Dee) to revive her blog which was said to be loosing visitors as at then.

Earlier, in January 2013, She was referred to as a greedy, insecure, irrelevant blogger on a popular blog post. Celebrities like Jim Iyke and Olamide have been rumored to have lashed out at Linda Ikeji for posting stories that were untrue about them.

It was even rumored in April 2013 that she was to sell her blog for $10 million not to mention various names that have been attributed to this young, ambitious and hardworking lady.

Linda has also been accused of double standard in her reporting.  A good example was during the Tiwa Savage's marriage saga, while it was widely reported in other blogs and news sites, Linda choose not to say anything about the incident because Tiwa is her friend. Some people were of the opinion that if it were to be someone else, Linda will report every aspect of the rumor.

The way and manner she eulogizes gays and lesbians in her blog post has equally let some people to conclude that she is a lesbian, coupled with the fact she is yet to get married at 34. But in an interview, Linda denied being a lesbian, insisting that the idea of man-and-man and woman-and-woman is totally strange and unacceptable to her.

The truth is that hard work pays off, and people should get to work in order to create a niche for themselves rather than carrying untrue stories and giving these celebrities more fame.
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