Making Money From Information Products - Indentify People’s Problem

In other words, look for problems that Nigerians are currently facing and are desperately in need of solutions to. There are many problems Nigerians are facing today; some prominent ones among them are:

1. Admission Problem – I’m talking about admission into higher institutions. Over 1 million youths are currently facing this problem, running helter shelter in search of admission and spending a lot for it. More than one million students take JAMB every year and only 128,000 of them get admission.

This number increase annually and if not addressed, could result to a revolution. "In 10 years, there will be 10 million disgruntled students roaming about the nation’s universities in search of admission.

Target: - How to pass JAMB and gain admission.

2. Poverty Problem – Despite it’s plentiful resources and oil wealth, poverty is widespread in Nigeria. The situation has worsened since the late 2000s, to the extent that the country is now considered one of the

20 poorest countries in the world.

Over 70 percent of the population is classified as poor, with 35 per cent living in absolute poverty. By the way, do we need to be told that poverty is the biggest problem in this country ? We all know that already.

Target: - How to create wealth/make money.

3. Health Related Problems – health problems in Nigeria remain acute. Malaria and tuberculosis are the diseases of most frequent incidence, but serious outbreaks of cerebrospinal meningitis still occur in the north.

Just under half of all deaths are thought to be among children, who are especially vulnerable to malaria and account for 75% of registered malaria deaths.

The prevalence of child malnutrition for children under age five, almost 15% of all Nigerian children did not live to their fifth birthday. Malaria and diarrheal diseases accounted for, respectively, 30% and 20% of childhood mortality. Other common health problems such as Obesity and weight loss, Infertility in male and female are great problems as well.

Target: - How to stay healthy, depending on the health aspect.

4. Jobs and Job Interviews – No matter where you went to school, no matter what your GPA is, no matter how much experience you have, no matter who you know--if you aren't able to interview successfully, you won't get the job. Therefore, passing a job interviews is one of the greatest problem to

applicants and job seekers. And over 15million people out there are having this problem.

Target: - How to pass job interview and aptitude test.

5. Marital Infidelity Problem – The facts about marital infidelity (sexual unfaithfulness to a spouse) are astounding. Polls show that although 90% of married people disapprove of extramarital relationships, statistics from a national survey indicate that 15% of wives and 25% of husbands have experienced extramarital intercourse.

These numbers increase by 20% when emotional affairs and sexual relationships without intercourse are included. Another source indicates that approximates 60% of husbands and 40% of wives will have an affair at some time in their marriage. Another big problem indeed!

Target: - Dealing with infidelity as a family/How to avoid infidelity.

6. How to Find Suitable Spouse – I am now 29, and have been tryingto get married for a long time without any success. I am losing hope and even get thoughts of marrying just any man but I know this will be

disaster for my relationship life. The above statement is very common among men and women who are of marriageable age.

7. How to Start Business – Each year, more than 10 million people consider starting a business of their own. Out of them, only three million people take the plunge to start a business, the rest couldn’t because they lack the knowledge. Knowledge such as business naming, funding, registration, procurement and so on, is big problems to business start ups.

8. Insecurity Problem in Nigeria – Nigeria faces numerous challenges in tackling the problems of arms proliferation and armed violence. Some of these challenges are self-imposed and reinforced through greed based behavior; others are the result of poor institutional capacity and the complexities of addressing widespread crime and the general situation of Nigerian.

In Nigeria, politics are militarized and violence is used as an electoral tool, leading to the inculcation of a culture of violence in society. Armed robberies are not a new phenomenon. However, today’s armed robbers are better armed, and increasingly sophisticated in their actions. All of us need a lasting solution on how to solve this menace.

Target: - How to protect your home from Burglary/Thief

9. Electricity and Power Supply – Power supply is rather one of the biggest problems this country is facing. No one wants to stay in darkness. Some information marketers are already making a kill from marketing solar energy power generation guide.

10. How to Prepare Good Meal – Lack of know how in preparing good and delicious delicacies is one of the major challenges facing most house wives. There are Millions of other problems The problems need not to be as big as the ones mentioned above, it could just be “How to do anything. How to nod tie, How to produce sachet water, How to talk to a woman, How to raise business capital. Etc.

There are millions and millions of other problems and “How to’s” that you could easily identify. With a practical guide of lasting solution to one of these problems, you are already getting close to the destination. But more importantly, before you decide to find a solution to any problem, make sure that the number of those facing that problem is high. That is, peoples’ demand for a solution to that problem is high.

If you have established that, then go ahead and write your ebook explaining the solution to that problem. for sale and watch your revenue grow.

I've written a post on the practical guide to creating effective, timely, solution oriented Information that will tackle people’s problems.

My next writing will deal with strategies of marketing your information to make good money. stay tuned!
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  1. You have done very well. Very well written, thoughtful and insightful


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