How to Make Millions Importing Used Books to Nigeria

Used books is one of the fastest selling item in Nigerian market today due the huge increase in population. Nigerians are well read people and you see that from the level of interest they show in anything book. A full container load of used books can be sold within days and the profit margin is highly attractive.

One great thing about used books importation is that they are sourced in countries like UK and USA for almost next to nothing. A friend of mine one told me that he gets a 40ft full container load of used books of different kind for less than $2,000 (Less than N300,000) and sell in Nigeria for over N700,000 within days, making over N400,000 profit. Sometimes he get this books as philanthropy and still sell and make money.

Pile of Used Books Ready For Exportation

 If you are an outsider to this business, you wouldn't believe anyone can make money with, but inside and you will be marveled at the enormous wealth people are making in this business. Once you have your contacts and logistics in place, you are good to go in this business, making millions of naira on regular basis.

You see, Nigeria is one the most blessed nation of earth for so many reasons - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Despite the said ugly state of our education system, we still come out on top on many things related to education. You remember the defunct Zain School Challenge for Universities across African countries where Zain Mobile is in operation. Nigeria participated three times, won it once and game second once before Zain pulled out of Nigerian.

Now, back to our business. What exactly do you need to put in place to get you started in Used book business as quick as possible? Well, the requirements are not that too much, though maybe to some people. I think this business may be more fitting for Nigerians in Oversea. So, if you are one - get ready for business as I quickly run down the things you need to have put together.

1. Secure a Warehouse — Not necessarily a giant warehouse, just a large shop except you intend to import on a super large scale. The warehouse must be easy to access to the retailers who are your target customers. Make sure it is specious enough to accommodate your books and customers who will struggling most of the time to select the best books especially whenever there is new arrival.

Typical Used Books Warehouse

2. Strategize Your Marketing — Talk to book retailers especially those by the roadsides in busy areas like Ikeja, Oshodi, and the rest. Let them know you import used books and once they know, they will be your regular customers. One thing good about the marketing is that you get to market twice, just once and they stick.

Anytime you have supply, just spread the news to them through BB broadcast or phone calls. They will even be calling you most of the times to know whether your goods have arrived.

3. Source Your Used Books — The easiest and probably the best place to source for your used books is other websites that are very good in this regard are or which is also part of eBay. If you are in Europe or America, it will be easier for you to ask around and investigate the best sources.

Once you have these things in place, be ready to smile to the bank endlessly. The profit is the business is huge and guaranteed. 

Ask questions using the comment box below - I may just be online now to answer you. Cheer!

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  1. Very informative! What type of books can one send to Nigeria? Please I need info. Thanks

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hi,
    I started following your posts recently. Am interested in this. Can i have a lead way. Already logged on but prices i saw do not make economic sense.

    1. Where did you log on and what prices did you see?

  4. I am not ready financially to go into the importation of used books to Nigeria, but I will never hold back any useful information I will have, for Nigerians that are ready to go into this business... Please go to:-

    They sell used books in wholesale, but minimum order is 10 gaylords of used books.

    Each Gaylord contains between 800 and 1,200 books depending on the size and binding of each book.

    For those who want to bring in a container load of used books, a 20 ft container can hold 18 gaylords.

    So go to the website and see for yourself. Contact them and make further enquires..



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