Top 10 Emerging Business Opportunities in Nigeria

While there are great, time tested businesses out there that people have been investing into for years, some of which have been written about here on There are equally some emerging business opportunities that are yet to be explored or fully explored in Nigeria. 

These emerging businesses are what we want to bring out in this article today. Therefore, below are the top 10 emerging business opportunities in Nigeria that any serious entrepreneur should do well to take advantage of, right now.

1. Cable Manufacturing - Made in Nigeria cable is believed to be one of the best in the world and cost more in the market. If that believe could be maintained through consistent quality, Nigeria will soon become the hub of cable exportation in the world. I haven't got the details what it takes to manufacture cable but it's really not that difficult. It's not beyond what you can do - from my little finding, I can say it's pretty easy to make cables.
Muritala Humammed International Airport, Lagos
Muritala Humammed International Airport, Lagos

The Nigerian power has just been deregulated. Meaning that very soon, there will be massive rural and urban electrification project throughout the country which may likely result to increase in demand of electric cables far more than before. 

If you remember what happened in the telecoms sector, the boom and the massive employment it generated and is still generating in Nigeria. People who took advantage of the emerging telecom business in Nigeria to invest at the early stage are today the multimillionaires who control the industry. I see the same scenario repeating itself in the power sector.

2. Security Outfit - Security business have been around for a very long time in Nigeria but it's taking a different dimension in recent time due to the situations on ground; no thanks to Armed Robbery, Kidnapping and Boko Haram menaces in many parts of the country. This is no doubt one of the emerging billion dollars business opportunity in Nigeria, much like the oil and gas business.

Almost everyone who can afford private security services in Nigeria is going for it and it's becoming more cost effective considering the amount of money you pay out as ransom if you're caught by the kidnapping bad guys. Much is involved in security business but the generate lots of profits. We'll be bringing you details on how to go about setting up security outfit in Nigeria.

3. Photography - I mean professional photography business, not the kiosk type of old photographers you see in your neighborhood. Photography business is a multidimensional business, so much means of making money through this profession, many of which not yet even known by some of those who claim to be professional in the business. More on this in the subsequent articles!

4. YouTube Video Channel - This opportunity is very new in Nigeria, considering that Nigerians where not formally allowed/enabled to participate in YouTube partnership program. This is an emerging business opportunity that thousands of other publishers in other countries are already making six figures from.

I am taking serious interest in this business because I know it holds one of the finest opportunity to make real money to anyone who goes into the YouTube partnership program the right way. We will be having exclusive professional training on this business next month ending. Click here to register for the training if you are serious about taking advantage of one of the best emerging business opportunity in Nigeria

5. Upscale Supermarket - The constant rise of the middle class society in Nigeria is changing the face of shopping in most part of the cities in Nigeria. Upscale Supermarkets in convenient locations are becoming the preferred shopping place. As more and more people are stepping up their lifestyles so comes the need for upscale supermarkets among other thing to meet up with the demands.

Right now, only Shoprite and other few ones are trying to meet up this demand. There is huge opportunity is this sector in Nigeria, that's why Shoprite is currently setting up some number of new shops in Nigeria in addition to what they already have. When I say upscale, it shouldn't be necessarily as big as Shoprite but at least something close.

6. Talent Agency - The Nigerian entertainment industry is booming due to the untold number of talents in the country. I wrote an article sometime ago on How to Become a Nollywood Actress/Actors. During the course of my research for the article, I discovered there is no enough talent Agency in the country, giving scammers great opportunity to exploit teeming youths who are looking for how to enter into the Nigeria entertainment industry. 

 When the article was published, I had so many people contact me after reading asking of how they could get registered talent agencies. The number was so impressive that I was thing of setting up one. To be in this emerging business opportunity, all you need to do is to establish very good constants with the 'who is whos' of the Nigerian entertainment industry and you're good to go.

7. eCommerce - You've heard about Jumia Nigeria and Konga? Yeah! They are making millions of dollars from Nigerian market, yet they aren't of Nigeria origin. This is an emerging opportunity space in Nigerian economy that is yet to be fully realized.

This days, more and more people prefers to shop online because it's more convenient and gives you better opportunity to make good choices in your buy. The pay on delivery option is even making it far more easier as you get to see before paying. Investing in eCommerce in Nigeria is one of the finest investment choice anyone could make right now, provided you have the money to pull it off.

8. Cassava Bread - Ever since the cassava bread was introduced in Nigeria by Olusegun Obasanjo's government, investors are yet to fully exploit the opportunity that exist in cassava bread making to create wealth for themselves. Cassava is a well consumed food staple in Nigeria and any food made out of cassava is a guaranteed sellout.

9. Florist - Nigerians are beginning to appreciate flowers as a gift. Florists are beginning to flourish in Nigeria, and the business in is beginning to emerge. Few people are currently in the florist business in Nigeria, while the market is growing day by day.

10. Farming - Much has been written about Farming on and more are yet to be written. After oil and Gas, Farming is the next industry in Nigeria in terms of importance. Nigerians are beginning to wake up to farming and the business is greatly emerging.

Any emerging business you know about that is not mentioned here? Tell us by making comments below.

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  1. Hello Darlinton, very impressed with the information on your site. I also wish to draw your attention to the eCommerce site - - getting rave reviews since their inception!!!

  2. You need to review Power Supply in your emerging business analysis particularly renewable energy.
    Please lets know what you think on this.

    1. You are absolutely right! In fact, Renewable energy supply should have been among the top 5 emerging business opportunities in Nigeria right now

  3. Hello Darlinton, nice job you are doing here! I will await your explanations on setting up a security outfit? Regards, Ayo.

  4. Hello Darlinton, good work you are doing here, we appreciate it! However, I want to knows when you'll be giving us details of the setting up a security business in Nigeria? BR, Ayo.


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