How to Add Adsense for Mobile in Blogger Mobile Template

Hello Bloggers, I want to tell you that you are loosing 40% of your Adsense revenue if you are not running Adsense for Mobile on your blog. So sad many Bloggers are not using adsense for mobile, either because they are ignorant about it or they don't know how to go about setting it up. 

It's no longer news that a good number of internet users worldwide, especially in developing countries are turning to mobile devices as the alternative to PC and Laptops to access the internet. More than 30% of worldwide internet traffics comes from these mobile users. So, you shouldn't be surprised how much you are loosing if your adsense is not currently running on mobile platforms.

I recently got my adsense increased by a whooping 49% percent just by enabling the adsense for mobile in our blogs. I never knew what we where loosing was that much until I enabled it, you too may not know how much you are loosing until you enable yours.

To get this sorted out is really really simple and take less than two minutes. In this short tutorial, I want to take you through how you can enable adsense for mobile in your blog's mobile template easily and start claiming back your lost revenue.

1. Make sure you have enabled your blog's mobile template on If you haven't done that, you need to follow this pictorial steps and get it done. Notice the encircled portions and click on.


Adsense for Mobile Blogger


Adsense for Mobile Blogger

Once you have your mobile template enabled, your blog will start showing the mobile version of your blog anytime some visits with a mobile device. Your mobile url should end with ?m=1 

2. Now it's time to setup your adsense for mobile. But before you do that, make sure that at least one of your adsense ad if configured using the HTML/JavaScript. Having done that, follow the pictorial below to get adsense for mobile fixed. 

Go to your blogger layout -



Then scroll down and click on save. If everything went on well, your mobile template will start showing adsense now. I think the pictorial steps is explanatory enough? Let us know if there is anything missing.

From now on, you start noticing a reasonable increase in your adsense reporting

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  1. How does this adsense create wealth in blogging.

  2. Nice one, but i got ma adsense outside the Blogger how do i implement that?

  3. Thanks for this tutorial Sir, but I have a problem to show my ads on mobile blog,
    Yeah, my ads is in middle post, I think this is good place for ads, you can see my blog
    So, how I can show this ads on mobile blog, I mean it is in middle post ?
    Thank you, I'm very happy if you help me ^_^


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