How To Make Money From Artwork Business

Have you ever think of how to make money as an artist? People who are not in this line of Business wonder this, and many seasoned wonder same thing! As an artist to make money you have to to sell your work. But there other means of making money as an artist you may not be aware of.

How do you make money as an artist? Many people who are not artists wonder this, and many seasoned wonder same thing! of course as an artist to make money you must sell your work but there are other methods of making money that you may not be aware of.

Ways You Can Make Money from Artwork

Visual Communication

so lets start with how you communicate visually let also remember that an artist you are in business and every business should have a professional image. Here is what you will need in the category of "professional stationery" your letterhead; your business card; and your mailing envelop.

Letter Head 

It should be creative and simple, it should have your telephone number. Address and e-mail address and web address.  Your business should all information that is on your letterhead. Finally,your mailing envelop have your logo and return address.

Internet Presence 

You can do this via your own website; What about a"professional website" you ask? Absolutely! 4 or 5 years ago, most artists were not aware of any of the following terms: URL, Dot-com, Internet, On-line, Search Engines e.t.c. If you do not have a website its important remedy as soon as possible. The internet offers contemporary artists a unique opportunity to show case and sell their art.

Professional Slides/Photographs

You will also need some "professional quality slides and photographs". What does this mean? As an artist you are creating a visual product, a product that needs to be seen before it can be seen before it can sell. Slides and photographs are product of inventory. If you are capable of taking high quality photograph of work, that is fine; but unless your photography truly captures your work, get a professional to do this for you. It is important when photographing your art, you never photograph your art framed. Framing is fine when your work is sold and hanging but those reviewing your work are distracted by framing process. When submitting your artwork for review or consideration, your slides must have your name and Telephone number. However if you really want to be professional, your slides should have the tittle, the medium and the size. The lab that does the developing can do this for you. If you are submitting photographs instead of slides, be sure that all of the above appears on every photograph.

A First Class Brochure

Can be the most effective way to visually present what you do and how well you can do it. A professional brochure can create a better impression than an entire book with cheap reproduction.

Professional Biography

Your Biography is basically an artist statement. It comprised of Why you do what you do, Who has influenced your work and everything that has been writing about you. Your Biography should incorporate a photograph of yourself.

Where to Submit your Art

Finally who should you submit your art to for review? The most available sources are galleries, juries events, competitions, print publisher, agents representatives, art fairs and art festivals.

Create a Blog

A Blog is world into your world, which allows people to build connection with you as an artist and a human being. It is a cool way to showcase a new sketch on your blog everyday for a whole year. This is not only encourages you to draw more, it also makes people anticipate your next sketch. You could be a fan base of people waiting to your next blog.

Display your Work Arts in Art Exhibits

This way you will be opportune to showcase your work to large audience and potentially sell your pieces. Art exhibition comes in different forms, such as trade shows, like comic con for you, comic books illustrators and crafts festival. Displaying your work at an art show relating to your niche is sure to get worked noticed.

Put these tips of how to be successful as an artist and you could be the best at what you are doing.

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