In this post, I share on some practical tips to increasing your income in 2014. I am so positive that if you implement these tips, you will leave 2014, a richer person than you entered it. Here are my golden tips to increase your earnings in 2014.

1. Deal With The 10 Thieves Of Your Finances
It is important to realize that a big way to increase your earnings is to reduce your spending. In my post, ‘Meet the 10 Thieves Of Your Finances’, I shared on the unnecessary expenditures we make which steal our finances, and how to deal with them. You sure want to know who has been stealing the little coins in your pocket. Find out and deal with them.
2. Develop A Great Personality
When you have a great personality, you are comfortable with yourself and so you spend less trying to impress people and gaining acceptance. Also, a great personality will certainly increase your chances of getting jobs and opportunities to make more money. You can develop a great personality by reading and researching a lot, attending seminars and workshops, working on you composure, habits, interactions, etc.
3. Develop Your Skills
Everyone has skills, abilities and talents. All these are great tools you can use to earn more money. However, most people do nothing about their skills. Others sit back and just admire others as they use theirs to add value to their lives. You may be a gifted writer, speaker, beautician, actor, comedian, designer, artist, driver, teacher, entertainer, model, etc. You have no excuse to be poor, because you got skills, abilities and talents. Discover them, sharpen/develop them and use them to earn more income in 2014.
4. Convert Your Time To Cash
Apart from the skills, talents and abilities you have, another resource which is given to everyone, that can be converted to wealth, is time. Everyone has 24 hours/day and choses what he/she wants to make out of it.
There are many busy people looking for those with more time in their sleeves, to do little tasks for them liking typing, grading scripts, entering data, doing research, shopping, washing, pressing clothes, cleaning, washing, running errands, caring for children, beautifying home exteriors, marketing their products, etc. Look around you for busy people and propose to offer some of these services to them. They will offer them to you, if you are trust-worthy. See my post titled, ‘How To Make Money With Your Time’ for more on this.
5. Stop Working Free
Many people do a lot for others at no cost, even when they are in serious need for money to survive, and their clients have enough money to pay for their services. In developed countries, people place much value on their services and time. There is no time to waste on any work that will not bring revenue that is necessary to pay the bills and keep up with daily demands.
Offering your services for free does not make you the best man in the world, and offering them at a charge does not make you bad either. If so, then going to an office daily to work and earn a salary, is bad too. Refuse to be a free good to anyone.
6. Make Your Money Work For You
If you are already doing something that brings in money, use your money to make more money. I use to tell people that if your earning does not increase every year, you are not financially intelligent. You only need one source of income for a start, and if you are smart, you will be very rich in no time.
Buy things that are sold cheap or at auction prices, and look for where to sell them a little higher. Buy seasonal products when it is their season, to sell them at a higher rate, when they become scarce. Flip apartments. Buy them old and renew them to sell higher and at a gain. Buy gadgets that will work more money for you. I know many young people who make a lot of money through the help of their computers while some just use theirs for entertainment, fun and foolishness.
Buy raw materials like fruits and convert them to finish products like juice, and sell. Buy things and add value to them in order to sell them at a higher rate. Invest your money in an already existing viable business or use it to start yours. There are so many more ways to make your money work for you.
7. Lend Your Money
You have no reason to keep money idle when there are many trust worthy people around you, ready to use the money and pay back with interest. Money lending is a great way to increase your finances if you are a trust-worthy person with trust-worthy people around you. Most people don’t have what it takes, to access loans from banks, while others just don’t want to get involved with such formal institutions. But some of these people are people you know and can trust. Lend to them and make sure you have a signed agreement on payment modalities.
8. Save With Micro-financial Institutions
While it may be more popular in some countries, to save in banks, micro financial institutions like Savings and Loans schemes and Credit Unions offer far better interest rates and very little deductibles. Although some of these houses are really unreliable, a good number have been here for so many years and have proven reliable enough. Make use of their services.
9. Rent Out Space
Everywhere all over the world today, there is the problem of space, due to increasing populations. However, some people still own many acres of free land and much space around their houses, not put to use. Others have free rooms in their houses which are wasting. Look around you are see if there is space you could give out for rent and make more money this year. It could be the parking store in your house, or that free room your children will someday grow up to occupy. It could also be the space at your front yard, which could be used for parking. Rent them out and make more money this year.
10. Seek Financial Advice
There are experts in any field in life, including Finance. These are people who have a rich experience on issues that concern finances. They are everywhere around us and could cost us nothing to access them. Daily they write books, create blogs, make posts, open offices, organize seminars, and so on. You could get in contact with them through any of these, and tap from their know-how.
With the help of the knowledge you get, you will know where to invest your money, and how to be in control of your finances so that it achieves a lot for you. This post and many others on this blog are some of the valuable resources you have.
In 2014, you can only remain broke if you are ignorant. There is wealth around you and your only need to be smart, to reach out and grab it. Don’t waste any time to begin implementing these things you have learned. Don’t be stopped by anything. I wish you great success.
By Kadzem Claude
Thanks a lot. That was really insightful.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcomed. Thanks for reading