How To Start A Successful Used-Phones Business

About 11years ago, mobile communication found its way to Nigeria. It was received with great applause. Everyone in Nigeria wanted to belong to the developing communication community. A lot of opportunities came from  this desire. People sold Sim cards, recharge cards, and most of all, both new and used(tokunbo) phones. It ranks among businesses that survive through the advancement of telecommunication in Nigeria.This is because the world is advancing in technology. New phones keep coming and that gives people the opportunity to use and sell.

The onset provided people with phones of limited applications. It mainly had calls and text messaging facilities, but the world of technology keep advancing, keeping pace with human wants. That is why we have come to have them(phones) accordingly. You can use your phone to do virtually whatever you can do with your computer. Even, some phones can do extra, far more than a computer can. Some phones apps enable you to communicate in various ways on the go, but they are expensive, I mean the new ones. That is why the used phones has gathered such momentum in the market. 

A lot of people make a living selling used phones. Majority of people in this part of the world buy used phones. The choice of used phones is masterminded by the cost of new ones. This market system has not only provided user alternatives, but means of living too. Offering opportunity to those who wish to survive the economic break down through self employment. Listed below are some of the processes involve in starting this business.


The most important aspect of this venture is your location. Where you are, determines how many people who come asking "how much?" Before you think of starting a used phone business, your primary consideration should be your location.


Every communication device is sensitive. Learning will help you to fit into this system of technology. To know when a phone is good, to know what the market price is, to know what exactly you need to go for, I mean what the market really wants.


Now you have to get something to showcase. The market knowledge you have acquired will guide you. Usually how the new ones come in vogue determines the success of the used. But however, you should buy phones according to the needs of people around you.

Where To Buy From

This is the most critical aspect of buying. The readily available sources of purchase don't sell with much discount. Most people who are successful in this line of business have sources overseas, that helps them to get it cheap and make it affordable. Therefore, the source of supply is one of those things you need to consider before you start.

Your Customer  

The success of every business like this depends on customer relationship. Your customer's satisfaction therefore should be your priority. The price, the quality, the smile on your face will make it happen. The best advert isn't that seen on TV, but testimony based on experience. A well treated customer begets adverts.

Fix The Problems 

Phones, like every other device is problem prone. Even new ones aren't exempted. When your customers bring reports of problems, check it out and fix it. One lost customer makes a hole on your road to success.

Add Accessories 

It's apparent that used phones don't come with accessories. So sell them as well. It will make it easy for your customers, saving them the time to go about looking for accessories for their phones. It also will help your financial well being.

Save And Proceed

The more money you make the more thoughts of expansion you should entertain. Your growth wouldn't come if you remain where you started. Look for other strategic locations, employ reliable sales reps, run media ads if you have to. Always think of how you can make progress.

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