See How vegetables make people rich

Vegetable farming has been practiced by people in two ways, big and small. Many people do it just to have enough for the family. Others do it for business sake. The cultivation takes quite some time and energy, considering soil, weather etc. The variety also counts, each suitable for some types of food. There is (ugu, green, oha, bitter-leaf, ewedu) etc. And for those who farm vegetables for business it's an opportunity to make more money. 

Some vegetable products develop on trees, while others are derived from crops. However, it's easier to cultivate crop vegetables, because they grow faster. Vegetable trees grow slowly and take a longer time to produce  vegetables. But the  combination (crops and tree vegetables) will give you maximum production. And that is exactly what you need to excel.

People travel as long as it takes looking for vegetables. It's always disappointing when they don't get enough. Your ability to satisfy their want will not only  determine their satisfaction but how much you make. So here, the question isn't about planting  vegetables, it's about planting to the needs of the people. Although you cannot ascertain the exact needs of the people in the beginning, paying attention will help you to do so. Expand according to the needs.

Those who have established their vegetable farms to this standard don't harvest and take it to the nearby markets. Those who sell (in retail quantities) in those markets always come to the farms to buy, and the sales happen in the early morning hours. So it's that liberating, it gives the farmer  the time to do every other thing. You could use the rest of the day for some other businesses. 

So your establishment will determine how much you will make, and you cannot establish without paying attention  to your crops. Farming advice suggests you get along with the procedural training, to know what you have to do, and when you have to do it, to preserve your crops. Urban or rural fertilizers will help the vegetables to stay as fresh as needed. But it all depends on your farm location.

Insects are the greatest enemies of vegetable farming. Crops insecticides are 
recommended in this regard. Take necessary measures to safeguard your crop from insects aggression. But note that some insecticides are not good for humans, so it's always better to consult with agriculture experts to ascertain what is good for your crop and crowd.

When the farm is booming with freshness, your money is booming. When it suffers, your money suffers.  So vegetables trees, if it's part of your farm should be taken care of. This goes beyond insecticides. Adequate trimming of the trees will bring the best out them. 

Since the veggie life is described as the best way to live, don't you think you've got nothing to lose making this venture. How people succeed in business is by patronage. And nothing is consumed daily more than vegetables.  
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