10) Phone call center: if you have a very good location, you can make 50,000 in two weeks making phone calls, all you need is a good location, the trick here is that you are looking for potential customers that means you will have to search for not only a busy location, but at a location your services are much needed, if you take your business to a market for instance, you will not make as much as you would if you take your business to a major bus-top, they are both busy (fine) but there are more potential customers at the bus-top than at the market, also, the profit is cool as you can make up to 10 naira on each 1 minute of a call, be wise and you will find yourself smiling to the bank in 2 weeks with about 50,000 or more...this business however, has been placed on the 10th position due to its high uncertainty and risk, also the rate of competition could be very discouraging (if you have large customers today, be sure there would be other phone call centers competing close to your location tomorrow)
9)Buying and selling of CDs: there is a huge prospective profit from this business and you will certainly be smiling home with a huge profit if done well, you can get a cd at the market (Alaba) for like N80 and you can sell a cd for like N150 naira, this is close to a 100 percent profit, with ten thousand naira you can buy up to 100 cds for N8000, if you initiate an aggressive selling approach, you can end up going back to the market to purchase more, by selling 100 CDs, you can make up to 7000 profit in 2 days, and 50000 in 2 weeks.the locaion is a major thing and you also have to monitor the business closely, and the risk associated with location has made it to be ranked 9th on our list
8)Pure water sales: this is an untapped resource for business minded people, though local, it has profit potentials, a bag of pure water costs 55 naira from the supplier, and it contains 20 satchets, you can be making up to N145 on each bag and if 11 bags go for 600 naira, 110 bags goes for N6000, you can make up to N16000 profit in 3 days, and more than N50,000 in 2 weeks, but the inconvenience is very high as you will be needing to go to busy places before you can make sales, its risks is also high as you will have to be in a compromised manner mostly.
7) Phone accessories:you can invest your 10,000 naira on phone accessories like earpiece, chargers, etc, you can be sure to be smiling home with profit. chargers costs like N120 and it is being sold for like 250-300 naira so you can make up to 110-160 naira on each charger sold, this means huge profit, you only need to find a good location and get yourself a wooden board, then you are on your way to making profits. the location has to be a busy location, and it has high risk of operating, that is why it has been ranked 7th
6)Fairly used cloths: you can buy fairly used cloths and sell at a busy location, from research we made we discovered that you can make up to N17000,-N18000, you can make up to 50000-60000 naira in 2 weeks.location is the name of the game here. the risk is a major disadvantage as you are expected to be a ta busy location, also you have to be closely monitoring the business because the business will need your presence
5) Plantain chips: making plantain chips is a very profitable business, especially in a busy location, all you need is vegetable oil, stove and kerosene! if this business is done very well you can be well assure that you will be going home with a huge profit, this business is very convenient and also there is minor risk, as you can do this business at home and at a location near to you, with as low as 10,000 naira you can start u this business and make more than 50,000 naira in a week!
4)Kerosene sales: you can make much profit from the sales of kerosene, all you have to do is go to a filing station that is very close to you, buy your kerosene (like 50 liters at 120/liters) and sell domestically at 150/liter, you make up to 30 naira on each liter, some might buy many liters at once. the trick here is that you get a good domesticated location where you can make the utmost use of the location and you will enjoy convenience and at little risk too.
3)Food vendor: you can sell fast food at busy locations, food is a necessity so customers guaranteed, all you need is buy noodles, eggs, and have a regular supplier of bread, you should also include tea on your menu, get a nice location and you can be making cool bucks everyday,indomie (super pack) goes for N50 in the market, and you can be selling your cooked indomie for 100/1, with operating cost (cost of kerosene,pepper,etc) approximated at N15 per each noodles, that implies you will be making up to N35 per each noodles, an adult will eat from 2 noodles upwards,means you can be making up to N70 per each customer, keep that up and you can be making up to N4000 per day...easy!!!
2)Tie and Dye: this business is an untapped,profitable business in Nigeria, it requires you to get a white fabric, then you rinse the fabric in water and soap, then you tie an end of the fabric with an elastic band, then tie severally leaving some spaces in between (about an inch), you can tie as many as you like,put dye and salt in boiling water, then soak the fabric, you have yourself a lovely material (popularly known as adire among-st the yorubas), you can get white fabric for like N200 per yard,get for -5 yard piece (which costs like N1200) buy dye (like N250), your total cost will amount to (approximately) N1500, you might be able to sell the material for N2500 and make cool N1000 for each of the material you sell.
1) you guys are really gonna be surprised at our number 1, PALM OIL!!! you can make easy money from palm oil business at a very low price too, all you need is to have a good source (ebonyi state has the cheapest palm oil in Nigeria)get a wooden table, and you can be sure to be quite rich in a short while,if you invest N10,000 in palm oil you can be sure of getting 70,000 in less than 2 weeks (from our research) all you need is a good location. and of course, a good source (which we discovered is east or ondo state, but ebonyi state boast of the cheapest,finest palm oil) and you are on your way to riches, start small grow big, there you have it!!!
if you follow strategic procedures you will discover these businesses listed above are viable and will enable you to be on your path to riches, best of luck!!!
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