How to be a Successful Accountant

Being an accountant is a very lucrative career path to follow. It is difficult to come across an accountant wallowing in poverty, if he truly knows his job. In this era of economic uncertainties for businesses and individuals, the need to minimize expenses and document all business transactions correctly is as important as maximizing revenue. That is why accountants are indispensable. An accountant can chose to be independent by establishing his own firm and work as an external auditor. He can also be employed as a staff in an organization handling the companies account and finances. Whether you are considering a career in accounting, you are an independent accountant or employed with an organization, the following traits and skill can serve as a strength for you.

1. Be friendly with figures
2. Obtain a degree
3. Develop Ability to analyze
4. Have Computer skill
5. Research
6. Experience

Be Friendly With Figures

Becoming an accountant is not measured by the amount of love you have for numbers, that’s not what makes you a great accountant. It involves critical thinking and technical skills, as well as the ability to analyze and combine data. You must be good with numbers, including addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages and fractions. As an accountant, the need for a variety of skills and talent for mathematics is also important. You must learn to pay more attention to detail as this is a main prerequisite to every accounting discipline. Your ability to pore over massive amounts of numerical data cannot be overemphasized because account involves problem solving.

Have a Degree

Since it is a requirement for every organization to have an accountant today and since it is also one of the most secured professions, many people are becoming accountants. Agreed, there are number ways to break into the field of accountancy, but every path requires some form of degree and professional certification. Obtaining a degree in accounting and associate certificate is a great start if you want to make it big in the industry. At a reasonable cost training and certification provide you with the needed skills to prepare for an accounting job. Everywhere in the world, there are accounting certificates that can be obtained from your community college or university. There are different types of accountants. It ranges from management to public, from governmental to internal auditing. All of these fall in same group. Whatever path you chose to follow and how much education you get depends on you and the goal you set. Obtain the certification required in your locality. With time you can get CPA (Certified Public Accountants) rating to perform high-level accounting work.

Ability to Analyze

For you to become a successful accountant, you must have strong analytical and reasoning skills. This is not just a key trait for all accounting jobs, when properly developed it will give you good reputations. To develop a skill in accuracy, pay more attention to details. Public offices or companies deal with some discrepancies at some point in time, accuracy is especially critical to solve such problems. Because misrepresentation of financial performance is considered immoral, leading to fraudulent activities, your duty as an accountant requires tracking and analyzing company’s accounting records and preparing transparent financial reports.

Computer Skill

Having the basic knowledge in computer is not enough, in the accounting world, you need to have an in-depth knowledge of accounting software. At least becoming familiar with the current software is very vital. You must be able to learn and adapt to new software programs. Must become familiar with the company's accounting software to prepare reports and check for accuracy in financial data.


With the help of the internet, conducting research is not as difficult and frustrating as it was in the past. That notwithstanding, there is need to have a thorough research, know where to look and ask the right questions. It’s important you develop trust and understanding with the clients you serve.

Be Skillful in Communication

The more fluent you are when it comes to communication, the more valuable you will become to your client or employers. Your speech needs to be sound, precise and on point. Remember you may not have open discussions with your client all the time, but there are times you are required to drop the pen express yourself in a clear affirmative ways.


Being an accountant earns you the opportunity to be involved with virtually any type of organization, anywhere in the world. While it is important you obtain principle knowledge, you need a range of personal and business skills to enable you practice these in real life and office settings. The more you practice your profession, the more experience you gather. So do not deviate from your chosen field. Endeavor to develop yourself in the same way as you do your technical skills

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