You have to pick an area. The mistake people make when it comes to self-improvement is that they are looking at themselves as a whole unit. This is because they see themselves as a whole unit rather than specialized parts that combine to form a unit.
This is not philosophy or any new age message. This is about self-improvement and the only thing I can say here is; just go with it for now. See yourself like a company with many divisions. There will be divisions of the company that will be doing better than others will. Even within a department, some teams will be doing better than others, and within such teams, there will be individuals that are doing better than others are.
So see yourself as a company with many divisions. You may have a very good memory, but be slow to grasp things. You may take your time before deciding but once you decide, you can rush through things. It is also possible that you hate the morning, but stay up late because you see yourself as a night person.
You are a company with many divisions. There are areas in your life that you are pretty good at and areas that you are doing badly.
What is the moral of the story above? Pick an area of interest.
Tips to Picking an Area
Look for a weakness, but let it not be something you will define as being hopeless. That is, find an area that you know you can improve on if only you do one “little” thing. You can later apply this to other areas.
Breakdown the Area
It’s time you take a critical look at the area you just picked. Break the area you picked into smaller parts. What do you notice?
Arrange and let the Parts Fall into Natural Segments.
For instance, you feel you are just too dull in the morning and have concluded that you are not a morning person. It is okay if you ask yourself this question: Does it have anything to do with how you treat your body during the night?
Do you spend too much time staying awake at night?
Do you go to bed too late or even wake up too early?
Breaking down the problem into component can lead you to the source of the problem without having to do anything else.
List the Likely Causes and Develop a Plan to Test Each
Still on the issue of not being a morning person, you can test the issue of how late you sleep by sleeping early. When you wake up do you feel any different?
It may be an issue of where you spend the night; can you change your bed, re-arrange your bedroom furniture or even paint the walls with a different color?
It may be a combination of issues, look at them critically and test them to see the result.
The objective
The objective is to challenge that weakness. Look at it critically and trace the source of the problem. Isolate possible causes of that problem and deal with each to see if there is a marked change.
The Discipline After the Discovery
There are some people who already know the problem and the solution but they do not just have the discipline to stick to the solution. Once you discover the problem and realize the solution, it is time to develop a plan to force the solution to stick. To show discipline at defeating the problem, you will have to develop a plan.
The solution should be simple because it will help you to enforce it upon yourself.
Now That You Have Overcome That One Area
Now that you have handled that one area, it is time to look at bigger challenges. You can enjoy your new-found strength but let it be a pointer to the bigger things that are waiting to be handed a serious beating. Your improvement in that one “little” area should serve as a point of reference. You can improve yourself in any area you want to with the right system in place.
Always have in mind that you are a company with many divisions. There will always be areas that are doing well. However, you do not have to abandon those areas that are doing bad. Pick at them one after the other and deal with them.
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