In a general sense, merchandising is any activity that the brand manager of an organization engages in to contribute to the sales of a product especially in a retail store. Sometimes, merchandising involves the actual display and arrangements of the products being sold by a retailer. However, some products cannot actually be displayed and arranged in a store. That is why brand officials resort to point of sales material (POS) that will help the retail store to tell the people about the product even when it is not directly visible.
Point of sales materials are not the products, they are forms of below the line advertising materials that describe the product and services with the aid of graphical illustrations. POS materials can therefore be used for physical products, as well as services that cannot be physically touched.
As a brand official of an organization, a weighty responsibility is on your shoulder as you determine the type of point of sales materials you want to design and put in retail outlets. The following factors should be an effective guide:
It Must be Catchy
This is the first factor you put into consideration. When customers approach the retail outlets selling your products, their attention should be drawn to the advertisement of your product in the POS. Even if they were not in the store to buy that product, they may decide to change their mind because your POS material has appealed to them.
Your graphic person is saddled with the responsibility of combining colours in such a way that it will attract new and old customers alike. That is why some organizations have used red consistently in their POS adverts because the color naturally screams for attention. If you are using picture, ensure that the resolution is high enough at the point of taking so you can get sharp production at output.
It Must Be Informative Enough
A POS material is meant to sell something. That purpose is defeated if a customer is attracted to it and still asks the shop attendant what the sign is about. As brief as you can, explain the product you are promoting. Tell the customers what they need to do to benefit if you are doing a sales promotion.
If possible, give them the address and phone numbers in case they have comments and complaints. Also include your website too. Never forget to add your organization's logo and slogan towards the end of the information. It is what you stand for, your customers need to be reminded consistently.
Should Not be too Wordy
As much as it is important to inform your customers via POS materials, do not make the mistake of converting that material to a manual. An attempt to cramp in all the information about the product, service or promotion will only make no one read what you have to say.
The purpose of a POS material is to attract people to your product and briefly explain how they can get it or what they stand to benefit from patronizing you. Any further information should be derived from your internet website. In this 21st century, an average person does not want to read anything that is too lengthy. Even if they want to read, they are not with your retailer because they want to read. Save their time and gain their attention by being succinct in the wordings of your POS.
Should Not be too Big
POS materials are not billboards, they should not be deployed so they can play the role of billboards. When designing them therefore, do not make them too big such that your retailer will get to complain. Caution especially need to be taken when the retailer is not exclusively dealing in your products. Your competition too will likely bring their POS materials. Such can stand side by side with yours.
Where your retailers have enough space to display your large POS, you may capitalize on that by giving him a big one. Most times however, large POS materials simply consume space such that the retailer resorts to doing away with it completely. If you do not want your POS material to end up in the garbage or in the store, be considerate when sizing it.
Sometimes, others paste their POS on yours because they see that it can serve the purpose of board for them. By doing so, they distort the message you intend to pass across.
Word of advice: check with your retailer ahead of time to determine the space and know the size of POS that can be conveniently placed in the store.
Customize it
Observation has revealed that retailers get thrilled when they see that a beautiful POS materials display their names and or that of their organization. So if you do not want your retailer to rip of your POS when competition present its own, its better to customize it. This can be done when their name is boldly inscribed on a signpost. They will especially be happy that you put it knowing that you do not just advertise for them to sell more, you are settling the advert bills with the authorities.
When the POS is about a sales promotion, you can take your time to include the details of your retailer (phone number or e-mail) as agents after you have ascertained and agreed that they may carry out such tasks on behalf of your organization. Whether they will be rewarded for this or not, your retailer will be glad that they are not significant as they carry out your business on your behalf.
Make it Durable
Going for cheap materials while designing and producing your POS materials will only make you spend more if you want to achieve the desired aim of producing them in the first place. Where you will place POS materials in some retail outlets are prone to rainfall and direct sunlight that will make the materials fade easily. When the materials are substandard, the message you intend to pass across will be short-lived. In effect, the target market will not be able to receive the message for the period of time you want them to, the sales goals will not be achieved, top management will want to know why, you will be forced to reproduce maybe at a higher rate.
You can prevent this headache if you take your time to survey and select the best manufacturer to give you the best product. If you are willing to pay for quality products.
This does not mean that you should be cheated into paying outrageously for a quality that you can get cheaper. As you search for quality, get it at the best price.
Must be Changeable
While you pursue quality and durability, POS materials are not meant to stay in the retail outlets forever. So when designing and producing the materials, ensure that you do not make them permanent. Why do signs made of iron, installed with cement concrete in a promotion that will not last for more than few months?
Because market changes, there will be need to introduce another POS to advertise your new promotions in the future. So it is not economic and rational to install POS materials that is meant forever.
On a Final note
Your work as a brand officer in an organization is very important. Never take it with levity. Your retail outlets too are equally important. They are the ones who deal directly with your numerous consumers. The image you project through these outlets by using effective POS materials will go a long way to determine how much sales will be recorded through your cluster or zone. Endevour to put in your best by using this sales tool effectively. You will end up making your retailer, your organization and your customers happy. Ultimately, you will derive the satisfaction that comes from a job well done.
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