The future of marketing was walking in the vale of deep shadow, when "content" raised it up to amazing height. Leaving a consequence that hunts the traditional world of marketing. Television, Radio, and magazine advertising have been nearly shut off by "content marketing." This is because, "content marketing" used a method that captivated the people completely. "Giving them intelligent information about everything, free." And the people pay back with loyalty.
Today, 90% of all organizations use content in their marketing effort. The reason being that content marketing cost 62% less than traditional marketing, and generates about 3 times as many leads.
What you should know before you make a step.
People spend 50% of their time looking for information relating to whatever they want to do. They cross-read articles, looking for one, that would solve their questions. Your success as a Content marketer depends on giving satisfying answers to their questions.
How do I start?
The problem with beginning isn't where to start, it's what to start with. Therefore content is more important. The quality of your product captivates someone more than where he sees it. So find out the prospects of your target audience and prepare your contents to meet their needs.
Reach out.
Now that you've got what to give your audience, meet them where they are. Content marketing uses various channels, social media, Article posting, Blogs,videos, Webcasts, search engines etc. Enroll in as much as you can. However, it's better with social media. People use various brands of social media, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ etc. And when they find something interesting, they always share as wide as it could get. Although search engines play a big role, but sometimes people don't get patient enough to scroll down to your page, when it is not on top of the search result.
Content strategy.
The facilitation of consistent contents results in saturation, people having enough relevant products to look at. Not the same thing over and over again. You don't just put them (products) out there. Make them attractive, entice your audience however...maybe a joke. Always find a discussion that will represent your product, and yet entertain your audience.
The market place.
Your website isn't the market. Where people are discussing your product is the market place. Therefore, keep the discussion going. your competitor isn't the person who sells the same product. It is the person, who is trying to win your crowd. So pay attention to your audience, and hear what exactly they are saying. It will help you to get along, as you try to reach your business goals.
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