How to Start a Sawmill Business in Any Country

Although the need for iron in manufacturing and other usage is becoming more and more increasing, the importance of wood cannot be quickly brushed aside. From furniture to construction, wood is not ready to become irrelevant in the everyday life of humans. On a daily basis, thousands of timbers are fell in the forests globally just for the purpose of converting them to planks meant for construction and furniture. The implication of this is that wood merchants records billions of dollars worth of transaction daily. How can you start the business of processing planks for the users.


In starting this business, you do not need to be a lumber jack. This means that your attention is not needed in the forest to harvest woods. You may not need to buy from the lumberjacks too. As a matter of fact, your priority is buying planks that have been made out of logs. This article is focusing on how you can make as much money as possible while avoiding stress. Are you ready?

Get a basic knowledge of types of woods

Don't be afraid, this knowledge is what you can acquire in one day, as a matter of fact, in few hours. It is a matter of differentiating between hardwoods or soft woods. While the former tends to be denser and heavier, the latter is usually lighter. Softwoods are sometimes referred to as white-woods in some sub-Saharan African wood markets. Go to your prospective suppliers and request for samples of different types of hardwoods and softwoods. The size does not need to be more than 10 by 10 inches. Keep the samples in your store so that you can keep comparing them with the subsequent supplies you will be getting. You can take this samples to different carpenters and woodworkers for confirmation.

Basically, hardwoods are more expensive than softwoods. Hardwoods are more durable than softwoods. Whether it is hard or softwood, the number or types of woods used in furniture and constructions are numerous. Depending on what is obtainable in your locality, you may not know all the types in one day. You have to keep learning on the job.-

Get an open space close to a construction site
Although furniture makers demand for planks to carry out their crafts, their demand is not as much as that of carpenters who use planks for construction. In starting your plank business therefore, it is important that you set up your business in a place that is very close to construction sites. Construction workers are in need of planks from when they lay the foundation of a building, and especially when they are roofing it. For roofing and ceilings, the carpenters demand for high quality hardwood because they are more durable. So stock your stall with more hardwoods.

It is important that you provide a shed on your site to prevent the rain from damaging your machines. You also need to get tarpaulin to cover them at night.

Get the needed machines
To facilitate your business, it is important you get machines that are needed for wood finishing and other wood processing. Again, this does not mean that you have to become a lumberjack. The planks your machines will be working on are the ones that will be prepared for final usage. As seen in the picture, the machines that you need are wood planers. Some carpenters who come buying from your stall will like to have the rough surfaces of their woods planed, hence a wood planer should be available.

Another machine needed is a circular wood saw machine. This is needed to satisfy the needs of customers who want to saw their planks from the standard 12 inches into smaller sizes. This machine should also come handy when the customers desire to make door frames and tie rods for ceilings. When the planer and the circular saw are available, your customers will be willing to patronize you knowing that you have all their needs met.

Get power backup
To power your machines, it is important that you get a diesel powered generating set. This is essential knowing that there could be power outage brought about by natural disasters or other factors. In countries where the government has not been socially responsible when it comes to providing power, it is a necessity to get a generator. Whatever the cause of power outage, it should not constitute a hindrance, disturbing you from doing your business.

Get staff to man your business
In this case, the people you will need are two individuals who will man the machines, one or two others who will sell and act as accountant/cashiers, and one or two others who will go out to different construction sites to carry out marketing and awareness on behalf of your organization. The operations of the machine does not need to get difficult. For starters, all you need to do is consult someone who is already skilled in the usage of such machines. If your offer is better, you may employ such an experienced hand to work for you permanently. If this is not possible,just pay him off when he is done training your new recruits.

Get a mini truck for supplies
It is important that you look for a means of supplying customers so that transportation will not be a barrier. This does not mean you have to transport the goods for free, they will be willing to pay for the transportation as long as you are willing to spare them the headache of looking for trucks to convey their products after buying from you.

Buy from the right source
Depending on your country or where you plan to establish the business, look out for the biggest sawmill closest to you. Ensure that you get your planks from loggers who go to the woods directly. This will save you a lot of headache as you will not end up spending too much on procuring goods that are too expensive.

Wood planer -$4,000
Circular Saw -$2,600
Fairly used mini van -$6,000
Initial investment on planks -$3,000
Cost of diesel generator -$350
Space (Dependent on what is obtainable in your locality)
Miscellaneous -$2,000
TOTAL -$17,950
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