How to Keep Generating Fresh Content for Your Blog Series (Part II)

In part I of this series we looked at personal blogs and some of the issues that hinders fresh content. We narrowed it down to Laziness, Discipline, Time and Waning Passion. This series goes beyond personal blogs. The focus is on how to keep generating fresh content. Part II of this series continues from where we stopped in I and focuses on how to deal with the issue of discipline i.e. the ability to stay on the job. We are still addressing the first question that focuses on personal blogs

How To Handle The Issue Of Discipline

I have already said we are going to go out of the box when looking at the tips that can help you deal with the issues that can hinder the generation of fresh content. When looking at the issue of Discipline the unusual tip to handling it is one word: motivation.

Motivation has a way of making you go round the issue of indiscipline. Motivation helps you to inculcate the required mental fortitude to stay on any given task. A man that is promised or guaranteed a million dollars to go up and down the stairs of the Empire State Building 50 times without stopping would do it or die trying. At that point in time, the idea of discipline or lack of it disappears.

Making Discipline A Non-Issue

You can just make the issue of discipline a non-issue by finding the right kind of motivation. However, this is where the big problem lies as finding the right kind of motivation to blog may not be easy. Below are some of the things that can motivate you to get back to blogging.

Financial Reward

This would of course be the first on the list because there is simply nothing like realizing that there is a real pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. How then can you tie your blogging into real financial reward? The usual suspects would be mentioned first and they include monetizing your blog, occasionally talking about products for cash, joining a blogging system that pays when people and businesses use your blog as a platform for their product.

However, we are talking of personal blogging here and in most cases or at the initial stage; personal bloggers are not really interested in monetizing their blog. They just want to have an online means of expressing their personal thoughts and sharing it with the world. This leaves us with a bit of a problem here; maybe the second reason would be a better option or reason.

blogging part2


Popularity has a way of dealing with the issue of indiscipline. It motivates you to write because you know there are people looking forward to it. The more popular your blog, the easier it is to sit in front of a keyboard and start tapping. Popularity has many cousins and financial reward either directly or indirectly may still come into play.

While some personal bloggers would frown at the issue of financial reward as a means of compelling them to generate fresh content, they will most probably welcome the idea of popularity because it means there are people out there who are interested in what they have to say. The natural question would then be how they can make their personal blogs popular.

Let me not kid you, aside from the usual things you would hear from just about anywhere (using social media, having great back-links, SEO, contributing in online forums etc), becoming popular on the internet is like having a hit song in the music industry. If you know the secret of having a hit song please tell me (I could make millions overnight).

The only thing I can tell you is to do what you do and have a passion for it. Adding some of the usual tips mentioned in the bracket above could also help. In a space like the internet that has billions of people, there are always like-minded people. Connecting with like-minded people might just be the key to blog  your way to “popularity”.

Passionate Engagement

Your blog does not have to be popular in order for it to have passionate engagement. A handful of followers can create that kind of atmosphere and once you have it, you would be shocked at the drive you have to create content because you just know that it will add to the engagement. Indiscipline or dragging your feet to the keyboard would be non-existent.

Creating a passionate engagement on your blog needs a handful of people and either a topical eh…topic/issue or a theme you blog runs on (that way it will not sputter and die but will continue since it follows a theme). Experience has shown that “exotic” themes as topics have a way of driving this kind of engagement. A blog that focuses on a topic like toenails or crooked index fingers may generate passionate engagement more than one that focuses on generic themes like finance. That on finance may be popular enough but many blogs and websites are fighting over it but the other two are unusual and fewer blogs have it as a theme. They are therefore more likely to attract people who are more passionate in their commitment.

The quickest way to handle the issue of indiscipline when it is related to generating content and indeed any aspect of life that needs consistency in a person is compelling motivation. Once you are motivated about your blog, you become driven enough to continue tapping those keys and creating content. Concepts like financial reward, popularity and passionate engagement can make indiscipline a non-issue as they naturally drive you to deliver on fresh content.
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