Obviously, you might be a late entrant if you are just joining us but I have a special boiler plate tab just below that will help give you directions on what to do about this.
We have been following a format where we start each section with a question. The first section started with the question:
Is it a personal blog?
Part I through Part V dealt with various ways we could beat the vices that naturally fights against generating fresh content on personal blogs. We later noted that we could apply the proffered solutions on any type of blog.
The second section started with the question:
Do you have a given boundary?
A given boundary refers to blogs that are tied to a particular theme, subject matter or niche. You can find answers to this in Part VI and Part VII t and Part VIII where we gave what I termed “Expected Answers” and “Out There” answers. We gave 2 of each and they are quite incisive.
If this is the first time you are joining us, kindly click on the links to get to the previous parts of these series: part I, part II, part III, part III, part IV, part V, part VI, part VII and part VIII
This should be the penultimate blogisode of this series. Is it not funny how penultimate episodes seem to have more twists, turns and action than season’s finale? I will be addressing the third and final question in this series.
This is the third section and the question I will be addressing is
Is it a business blog?
Business blogs are different from personal blogs (although you can have personal blogs that talk only about business, which really muddles up my neat plan).
For the sake of our journey (and the fact that I have to be consistent with cannibalizing words), we have to define what we mean by business blog. We have already pointed out there are personal blogs that talk about business (and this is the reason why we have to stand apart).
A business blog is a blog owned by a business that has an online presence
I hope you were not expecting something eccentric? Almost every business that has an online presence that is in form of a website has a blog attached to it.
Now they should not have a problem generating content for their site.
- They are a business
- They already have an area of specialty
- They have tons of ways they interact with clients both on and offline
- They should have tons of things to write about
I do not believe a business will have a problem with generating fresh content. However, I am going to go on the working presumption that there is a business out there and online that has a blog and they are scratching their heads over how to fill it up with relevant content.
I am going to list a few words here:
Offline events
Social media campaigns
Social media marketing
Staff contribution
In-house special days
Corporate social responsibility programs
Corporate news/events
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I still find it hard to believe that there are businesses with websites that find it hard to fill their blogs with relevant content that will add immense value to their bottom line. Let me list one more word:
Content creativity
The first thing I will say is that the people in charge of a business blog can adapt everything we have been sharing up to this point. What we said in section 2 (Parts VI, VII and VIII), which concerns blogs attached to certain themes applies to business blogs as well.
All the words we listed can be weaved into content with the last word we mentioned and set apart from the rest. Content creativity allows you to take any of that word and do something unique. You can also do something boring but that will be excused because it is a business blog.
Content creativity will allow you to turn the ordinary into something amazing. A post on the blog can be turned into an exciting online social media campaign that might go viral.
Your company blog can be the basis of an exciting readership-engagement online magazine that has every reason to succeed because your business already has a customer base that it can tap. You can draw up a social media strategy that integrates with your blog and create something that Vogue would give a second glance.
I just read this again and realized I have been saying a lot of “can be” without saying “how”. Frankly speaking, I am tired. This is the finale (and not the penultimate episode, which makes a good twist). I can say more but what would a finale be without a cliffhanger, eh? Besides we must need a good season 2 premiere.
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